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Hello Ladies,
In the last two days two very relevant conversations have been started one that spun into a discussion on crossdressing and religion, the other on where the transgender world is viewed or heading in the realm of American politics. These are important topics that need to be discussed. They need to be thoughtfully brought to the table and without fear of backlash have peoples opinions voiced.
But not here, Crossdresser Heaven is a support site. We have seen to many time in the past were a harmless comment on what we call the BIG 3: Religion, Politics or Sex get turned into a combative firestorms. That is why we have banned those topics here.
And before anyone thinks the site or myself are being short sited on this I will let you know I extremely involved in my church community, I am an American History major with a heavy interest in US Politics and I am Married with three teens so the topic of sex comes up from time to time. I would LOVE to have an intelligent rational discussion on any of these topics. But time after time what starts out either completely harmless or in some cases ranting at full voice these issues continue to just be counter productive to the community and eventually upsetting or insulting someone just for the view they hold.
I love the passion you all hold and that you want to share, but this is not the forum to to it in. I would hope that you all will understand and accept this, it is a firm rule that will be enforced. But I would rather not have to do that, so please, know that I am with you on these issue as being important, but they have no place being discussed on Crossdresser Heaven.
Codille Benton
Managing Ambassador
Yes, I agree, it is probably for the best. The big three are a slippery slope. What starts as an innocent and philosophical discussion can very quickly descend into something quite hurtful and non-productive. Despite the fact we have CDing in common, I'm positive we represent the full spectrum of religious and political views. I love talking about these issues, but I would hate for any differences to ruin the love and support we have for each other. Besides, I'd much rather talk about the panties and bras I just ordered, or about all of the beautiful dresses I would love to wear! I come here to enjoy the company of my fellow ladies.
Definitely, too many places to get sidetracked by "the big three"...not enough places to talk about bra's, panties and all things femme...thanks for reminding us what a wonderful place CDH is!
As one of the girls posting on the original thread, I want to apologize for putting you into a position where you had to reel us back. While I don't think anyone went into the topic with ill intentions, we all came to CDH to embrace the wide world of cross dressing, where we can share our experiences from the thrill of shopping through the agony of the purge. Thanks for reminding me of the boundaries!
Kim 😊
I am going to respectfully and lovingly disagree. The politics of the world affect us all and are therefore relevant.
I didn't think that the string was at all disrespectful or mean spirited. It was political discussion at it best, each of us expressing a view was listened to and in turn gave others an opportunity to be heard. If we never listen to each other or give others a chance to state their case, how will we ever heal the divide we now face?
I realize that it is easier to avoid discussing difficult topics. No feelings are hurt by the silence, right? Isn't that what we all do, every day? Hide what we feel so as avoid condemnation? Just a thought.
<p style="text-align: right;">I love my time here at CDH, have no wish to lose it or to cause strife and discord. I will, of course, abide by the rules.</p>
<p style="text-align: right;">Thank you Codille for taking the time and effort to moderate the site and give us all a safe place to be ourselves.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Jillian</p>
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel...except at CDH.
Some folks may need to get their profiles tweeked if that is the case...still thankful Christ died for sinners and that includes me as a cross dresser.
If there is no room for your faith at CDH may need to re-think your faith, can't be worth much...at least as far as God is concerned...if there is a God.
If you can't be a friend of God at CDH...might have the wrong kind of friends...What a friend we have in Jesus...etc...is a hymn best kept to your self, etc...
If Jesus Christ is not welcome in parts of your life...might be best to part company with those for whom he is not welcome.
Feel free to ban me from CDH if you still find it necessary...not a problem for me either way.
I don't discuss politics with those I care about and remind them that in heaven (if there is a heaven) there are no liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans, socialists, communists, etc...only...sinners in need of a Saviour, who have received Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.
I don't discuss religion with those I care about and remind them that in heaven (if there is a heaven) there are no Baptists, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Methodists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc...only...sinners in need of a Saviour, who have received Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.
I don't discuss sex with those I care about and remind them that in heaven (if there is a heaven)...where they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven...and in Christ...neither male nor female...there are only...sinners in need of a Saviour, who have received Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.
I have read the King James Bible from cover to cover 51 times to date and working on 52 now...hope to have read it as many times thru as I am old when I leave planet earth.
When I stumbled into CDH I started searching thru all the articles in the archives...oldest to newest. I was amazed how any times Vanessa had many articles discussing her faith, and religious friends who felt they had a mission from God in contributing how their faith in God and his word inspired and kept them going. Guessing at the end of the train they were riding (for many...probably not all) God had to get kicked off the train as well as Significant Others that had helped them along the way to achieving their their end goal...and they had to part company with their SOs and God...interesting how progress progresses for some.
I have no intention of leaving my Lord and Saviour behind and if he is not welcome at CDH please free to remove from CDH as a member...not a problem really...would just affirm I have no business being here at CDH even though it has helped me tremendously, and helped me accept myself for who I am.
Be well all...all is well...there is no hell.
Just a thought from the peanut gallery.
I am in deep respect of your faith and would never want to try to snuff if out in any way, quite the contrary I would want to see it grow. As I have stated here to many before I am a very devoted Christian. I am an Ordained Lay Minister (a Deacon -Non-Seminary) and have acted as the Senior Warden of my current congregation for 3+ years. I didn't think I did a good enough job at the age of 14 understanding confirmation, so when my sons went through the confirmation process, so did I and Re-affirmed my vows to God. My wife and I have spearheaded and lead our churches outreach programs. I was raise from a young age by my Grandparents to understand what reverence is and that Christ's ultimate sacrifice himself, has saved my soul for eternity. I hope that give you a better picture of the person that heads this site now.
That doesn't mean here in open forum at Crossdresser Heaven, yes the irony of the name is not lost on me by the way as I have to do what God wants us to do, 'Love Thy Neighbor, As Thy Self". Running a website of now 10000 Registered members, I have to keep the peace, and unfortunately when it comes to the topic of religion, time and time again in the past, now years after Vanessa's wonderful blogs, a simple conversation explodes into a massive argument and no one wins. The no Big 3 rule is set for open discussion areas, places (the Chat room of open Forums) where one wrong statement or opinion will blow up into a firestorm, it does not apply to group (though it is monitored so not does blow) or private discussion. As a Christian, I have reached out to thousands of my sisters and welcomed them to a safe haven away from the chaos, and I have heard so many thanks for bringing them in from the storm, but as you and I know, It is just what God calls us to do. So as long as Vanessa agrees with me and I am in charge the Big 3 rule stands and stands VERY firm.
But I offer you a suggestion, an olive branch... There once was a group here on the site called "Christian Crossdressers", it died due to like of interest sadly. Jaimelynn, your passion tells me you could rekindle a group if you wanted. I would support this effort strongly. Let me know if you are interested.
Codille Benton
Managing Ambassador
Politics, Wow where to start. I am a history major, by the very nature that leads to very few jobs and into a lot of fights. Alright, roughly 80 years ago a man in a wheelchair with Polio was President of the United States, in fact most say one of the greatest we ever had and the only one ever elected three times to office, Franklin Deleno Roosevelt. If he were alive today with the way TV and Social Media is and how much appearance matters, he would be lucky to be elect mayor somewhere, that is how over stimulated and shallow America has become.
America right now is in a very fractured state. There are to many people out for there own agenda not the agenda the people that put them in office thought they were getting that things have been on the floor of the house the worst forms of respect and decorum in history. I don't care what side party it is, no one is trying to work together to fix the issues that matter to Americans. Us, the little guys, the ones that put them there.
That bring me to Part two of the Big 3 discussion I guess. Why, with everything that is going on in the LGBTQ community can't we talk about it on Crossdresser Heaven. Why, because it NEVER stays on topic, ever. In the almost two years I have been here I have never seen a political conversation stay civil. It's is not that we don't have smart people here, quite the contrary, we have very intelligent people here. But 99% of us have a flaw in us, if you want to call it flaw, it is called passion or conviction, and if you run into that coming the wrong direction the world ignites! Every time. Without fail. We have lost some great members over political fights, I have lost friends that I could not reel back in after they got wrapped up in them.
98% of the politics I would always keep out of here. So do I want a great open discussion about how we can fight against the reverse direction the law is about to take against the LGBTQ community, damn straight I do. To be able to talk about laws and issues about CD/TG rights and how far we have come how how to take the next step, wow what I wouldn't do to have safe real heart to heart discussion on those things. Do I want to talk about how we can try to work with other groups and stand up for our rights, YES!!!! YES I DO!!!!
But as soon as that conversation starts, something will somehow go sideways and BOOM!!!! Karma sucks sometimes, so does human nature. SO like I just said in my last response to Jaimelynne, as long as Vanessa agrees with me and I am in charge the Big 3 rule stands and stands VERY firm.
Codille Benton
Managing Ambassador
<p style="text-align: left;">Hi Codille, Thank you for taking the time and effort to reply. I do appreciate it.</p>
I get it, I do and I understand that joining a group such as this means following the rules of the group, so of course, I will. I have no wish to cause pain for anyone here. I humbly and respectfully acknowledge your experience and and accept your guidance . (Okay, that's a little overboard but you get my drift.😃)
Love, Jillian
Got it! 🙂
As a history major / political science emphasis type as well - kudos!! Like you, I wish conversations could be civil - but with the decisiveness, bitterness and frayed feelings - it's hard if not impossible to rise up to have that kind of intellectual conversation.
Still - if there is a safe, viable outlet for such conversations - I'm all in. I'm intrigued by all the sides and angles - and this last election cycle was no exception.
Thanks for holding the line - and for ensuring a safe place for all of us and our complicated views!
Several years ago I came to the realization that I was completely disinterested in the political views of other people. During an election I make up my own mind who to vote for and don't pay attention to anything after that. This last election cycle I made up my mind how I was voting (not who for but how) before the primary season started. After that I didn't watch a single second of coverage, debates, etc... I just went and voted on election day. I don't share my political views with others and I don't care about other's political views. Politicians and news organizations try to keep everyone worked up about politics before during and after elections for ratings, money and votes. So I do participate in the political process but on my own terms.
You are so right. It is not just here. Something about the anonymity of the Interned seems to bring out the worst in people. Well, probably not most people, but enough so that almost any comments section on any website seems to deteriorate in no time to the worst kind of name calling and disrespect. That's why despite my own deep interest in politics and history, I fully support the ban on politics, religion, and sex here.
It is hard enough to find positive support anywhere for who we are, and it's important, I think, that we do what we can to protect one another.
You are so right. It is not just here. Something about the anonymity of the Internet seems to bring out the worst in people. Well, probably not most people, but enough so that almost any comments section on any website seems to deteriorate in no time to the worst kind of name calling and disrespect. That's why despite my own deep interest in politics and history, I fully support the ban on politics, religion, and sex here.
It is hard enough to find positive support anywhere for who we are, and it's important, I think, that we do what we can to protect one another.
You sound a lot like me, and you're right, there is no place here for that. I came here to express myself not get on a soapbox.
Thank you,