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I have enjoyed and benefitted by the few weeks I have been a member. During this time I have encountered some amazing ladies and made many friends, however, I am very concerned about privacy issues. I learned this morning that one does not have to be a member to access all my pics, comments and bio. This is of great concern to me. Previously, those without membership could access photos, however, I was alarmed to see that all my uploads were in one, convenient place for the whole world to see.
Sadly, I will have to reconsider my membership.
Hi Marla..
A membership on any website cannot and is not intended to protect ones privacy.
Sorry you feel that your privacy is at risk.
You will need to review your privacy settings. You should be able to set who is able view which portions of your profile including photos.
MacKenzie Alexandra
Marla, I feel like you can relax.
I tried getting on this website with my browser in "incognito" mode, as if not a member or logged in, and tried to view my own profile---it was at that point the message came up that I must register or log in.
Again, I feel like you can proceed with confidence!
I would think the chances of someone you know coming here and seeing your pictures is pretty low. Then again if someone you know did come here and saw your pics they would have to realize it's you. And why would they come here anyway? More than likely they would also be a cross dresser too.
If you are still concerned about privacy, don't post pics with your face. You can still show off your dresses, skirts, tops, shoes and legs. I think you can still have fun while being more discreet.
Patty has a point. If you are spotted, what are THEY doing here ?
I feel pretty secure here. I haven't posted any face pics yet but I will someday. One thing that surprised me is in a reply to an article I wrote here on CDH one person said they read the article on Pinterest. I don't know how it got outside the site.
It appears Marla has left us, sorry this has happened!
I'm sorry she's left. In time I hope Maria comes back. There was enjoyment at first but like many of us including myself we must have a sense of security and privacy so not feeling that comfortably I do understand. 🌹