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Hi Girls, i just wanted you to know that private messages have been temporarily suspended for lady users due to work on the site, this wont be forever, and no!! your internet or computers are not faulty! bear with us, sorry for the inconvenience. 🙂
Fiona-Ann xxx
Thanks for the update 😀
Thank you Fiona for letting us know
Hi Fiona,
I received PM today from someone asking me to email them at their Gmail account.
When I looked up the person there was no such member and it showed a 404 error.
Hello Patty; I got the same PM. When I clicked on the person's name to view their profile, I got the same 404 error page. I then wrote down the person's name and did a member search. I found a member page, but it wasn't the standard CDH member wall page: with links to profile, public photos, and etc... It was a text box with 3 words that were repeated in a paragraph. I can't even remmber what the 3 words were, as I deleted the PM request. I fear it was a virus or trojan horse.
Thats what I thought Brittaney,
I didn't dare address it but I wanted to share my experience with my friends and let them Know.
Thanks for the reply.
Patty, I didn't click or reply to the gmail either. I guess I should've messaged a CDH ambassador about it, but I was reading through more forums yesterday. According to Fiona-Ann, the ambassadors are aware of it and it's getting resolved.
Thanks for the update britteney, good to know .
I don't Know why people have create more problems on the internet.
Same here; it had to be spam.
There are far too many people in existence today who have nothing better to do with their lives but cause trouble. I play online games and have ran into too many of them already. Some friends of mine have suggested putting a password on my sessions. Problem is, I'm not evil. I won't make everyone suffer because of the actions of a few. I prefer crack down on those individuals. I keep finding new troublemakers out there, so every time someone comes into my multiplayer sessions to cause trouble, I just create better methods to block their efforts.
I guess we all got those emails. I got a temp email and it was some woman saying she wanted to give me 1,500,000 dollars. It is just another scam . I had asked tech. support to check it out. I don;t understand how they got into our server to be able to do that, I hope they can find out how to stop them. Thanks Fiona for letting us know about the maintenance. Coral
Thanks Fiona,
I received 3 private messages sent in quick succession the other day from someone who had deleted their name asking me to email them on a gmail address. Of course I deleted their requests immediately. Hope that you can prevent these trolls (or whatever they are) from accessing CDH.
Kindest Regards,
Hi Bobbi, no, that is definately not the reason! there is no need to have conspiricy theories!
Fiona-Ann xxx
I got that same pm message too. Now I can't see any pictures or profile pictures. Is that getting fired too?
[postquote quote=226583][/postquote]
Hi Fiona- Ann.
Thanks for the update. Of course, if these disruptions continue, I'll have to get David Icke, Alex Jones and Jessie Ventura on the case!!! 😉
Stacey xxx