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Well done on going to the bank Chloe
I've found that actually in every day life most people don't take that much notice of those around them and as far as most shops or cafes or restaurants are concerned a cross dresser's money is a good as anybody else's and I've found that most assistants/waiters/waitresses aren't phased and are as polite and helpful to me cross dressed as to anyone else. The staff who serve in M&S both male and female have always been patrticularly helpful.
private, but not entirely my choice... I am a transwoman and I want the world to know me as I am!!!! Unfortunately, certain personal and professional circumstances require my discretion (at least in the near-term).
I'd LOVE to go out in public; however, the current pandemic prevents that - unless anyone knows of places (clubs) or groups that get together for conversation and to dress up (together), then I'm very interested.
I'd like to say Public... But....
I've been out in public a few times... But it's now clearly a trigger for my dearest. So for now, it's at home when she's not around and only to the local CD club (private), when they open again.
Hopefully we'll find a better balance, but until we have a better set of understandings, I'm not going to trigger her if I don't have to, in hope of a better outcome.
With Covid and lockdowns, perhaps the time and effort, will allow a better solution before we actually can do anything, but I'm not holding my breath.
I do know that this is a temporary state (even if measured in months), and without Progress something will give. Hopefully it won't be my sanity. You girls here have been so instrumental in preserving what little I have left, it'd be a shame for it to be lost. Thanks!
Hi Mary Jane definitely private locked in the closet.
Sarah xx
Hi Mary Jane
No room for me in the closet - it's stuffed to bursting with all my clothes, shoes, bags, coats and makeup!
I chose public, although, like so many, my SO doesn't approve - yet she is supportive, up to a point.
You see, CDing doesn't just bring a smile to my face, it brings a smile and a boost of confidence and who knows what other positive benefits to my whole being.
There's simply nothing like being your true, authentic, unadulterated self as full on as you can go.
I've spent a large portion of my life closeted, so it's a great vantage point before vs after.
I empathise completely with all the closeted gals - there's a lot of positives to find in that situation, and going out is a choice that not everyone wants to take, just like full transitioning isn't for everyone.
Transitioning isn't for me - I can't even bring myself to tuck - but the trans girls I've met have all been lovely, as they seem to have a really serene place inside, which shines out. It clearly suits the people who choose that path.
The simple pleasure of being able to meet friends like the lovely HildaRuth, and just enjoy time in the sunshine enjoying a coffee and a chat, fully femme, with no concerns about the thoughts of others on that subject, just the freedom to be ourselves, together is beyond price to me. CDing is great, CDing with others is like another planet.
I wouldn't live my entire life like that because it would make my wife unhappy - but I will not constrain myself at the cost of my own happiness - it's a compromise, and a compromise that pays tangible dividends because some of it goes my way.
Plus I get to go to Brighton once a month, outside of this horrible virus...
Love Laura.
Use to be private but now more Public soon already at work they all know or some know that wear panties and bra. Matter of time that will start wearing more fem clothes.
I was private for many years. I made a couple of semi-public outings, then 11 years ago had a makeover and a very public outing. I didn't think I'd be able to do it again, and I wanted "my time in the sun."
After that I went semi-private (I would go to CD events at someone's home). But there were a some public outings too. Trips to Dress Barn, or eating out at a diner. About a year into this my friend was putting on a show with CD'ers as stages of life of a girl growing up. I joined in the show.
I've since had a lot of public outings. I've been into New York City to see Broadway shows, I've gone to museums, I've driven long distances, even having to get an alternator replaced 500 miles from home. Almost 2 years ago I started taking walks through my neighborhood en femme on weekends. Since last March that has been almost every day. (Last Halloween I went for a walk in a poodle skirt with petticoats, white top and white sneakers, and candy corn nails!) I've gone shopping locally to drug stores and supermarkets. I've picked up food from restaurants to take home. I've gone to the beach in a 1 piece suit. I got into a car accident when someone turned in front of me (fortunately only minor bruises from the exploding airbag). I've had to go to back to the supermarket to make complaints a couple of times.
Although my public outings will probably decrease when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, I'm not going back to private-only.
Very much in the closet unfortunately but longing to get out!
Just to reiterate what Laura said. It was a very positive experience meeting up with another gal in public both dressed. Laura was charming and open and we became friends almost immediately. Am really looking forward to seeing Laura again post Covid both an femme, relaxed and having quality girl time.
Love and hugs as always
HildaRuth 💋💋
I dress everyday at home. Usually it's in attire that is too sexy to wear out. It's fun, exciting and gives me a thrill and rush. When I go out I'll wear something a bit less sexy, most of the time anyway. A few times I have worn the to sexy to wear out outfits. A crazy urge and desire came over me.
Hi Mary Jane,
I wasn't sure how to answer this.I have been out in public twice last year but mainly I dress around the house.
My wife is not supportive just tolerant.
I hope to venture out more this year.