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Product Evaluation, Testing, and Reporting
Hi Girls......
I have commenced a product evaluation laboratory were in anything related to crossdressing or Transformation that I order in will be field tested for doing what is says it does or in just hokem or baloney. Too much stuff is being sent to us from you know from where and is substandard or junk. Sadly....amazon and ebay and aliexpress are doing this....will not correct situation or just plain don't care!
Please....each and everyone of you....contact you ambassador and ask them to arrange for Management to assign a reporting area to me....my replies and requests are ignored. This has been a year long project for me and unable to post anywhere that stays more than a minute....my time in emense and if nothing wants to be done....then at least let me know!!!
I am awaiting a second more advanced vibrating/heater bra and will report along with second one.
I am giving you a report on in item I have finished testing and here are results.
"Changes" - Eostrogen Booster Surum
Sapphire and Company EN4 o8X info@fairtradeint.com
No Web-site but avail. thru Amazon/Ebay 25.00 = or - usd
Product is brown syrup....very sweet...with an undercurrent bitterness. Inincuoius ingredients listed.
Water, glycerine, sorbitols, lemon flavor. Mother alsways says....if something in sour...don't consume it. I ignored mother.....tested for 3 weeks.....see no benefit whatsoever. Did give me quesy stomach though. Recommend........NO!
Dame Veronica
Remember girls...........My idea is to offer true experiences. Amazon and ebay are using a lot of fake reviews now. Chinese and foreign sellers lies to boost their sales. Taken to task about this has resulted in .....no comment. There are also video news tapes on internet about business that enter phont reviews to bring customers positive ads to the top of the column. CNN
I received my 2nd heating/vibrating bra to-day and testing will start. Carries a portable pre charged battery for charging on the go. Stay tuned....for more. A hot bra....wow....weather here is 90 degrees.
Test will occur in air conditioning.
Dame Veronica