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I love reading everyone's profiles, to try & get a bit more of an idea who is who but I think some of the options presented are a bit limited.
Primarily the SO acceptance section. The options only go as far as "Yes my SO is accepting within their limits"
In my case there have been no limits set & I wonder how many more of you are as lucky as me. My SO has been more than happy to join in with the lifestyle & buy's & makes me clothes / wigs etc. So, is anyone else in the same boat, what's your story?
I'm in the same boat. My wife is very accepting 100%. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful caring wife of 46 years. She sets no limits and is totally understanding and has known for over 20 years. I'm also very lucky in another way. We took the chance recently and told her BFF about Nicki and OMG I cant get over how accepting she is. We have girls nights together and she always calls me Nicki and refers to me as she or her. I think her friend has also benefited from meeting Nicki. We talk about clothes and makeup together and she is a different person lately. We love talking about clothes and she has totally changed her outlook and wardrobe. I'm truly blessed to have a wife and friend that support me.
When I married my beautiful wife 42 years ago, she knew I had a feminine side, I liked gals shoes (even had a few pair), colorful clothes and had longer hair. About 8 years ago I started to do a limited amount of simple crossdressing. Wifey flipped out and I thought we were done, I did not want to loose my marriage. After counseling, and open communication - lots of it - she had generally accepted my crossdressing with some limitations, that we both agree to.
It is not the best of worlds, but I understand her concerns and have to take in her feelings as well. I am just glad that she has stayed open minded about crossdressing and did not say no. We occasionally discuss crossdressing in a calm civil manner and sometimes even laugh about it. She is a sweet gal and I love her mucho.
Have fun all... Staci...
PS Finding and joining CDH has been a wonderful help for not only me, but wifey as well. CDH is a very positive affirming place for a crossdresser and the spouse.