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Active Member     Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

The wife has been sending mixed signals about my telling her I want to dress. Never really have...yet. yesterday we were getting ready to go shopping, I showered, and as I was getting ready to get dressed, she said, "why dont you wear the pretty panties I got you under your jeans" that sent chills down my spine because I was excited, so I did. We went shopping, and she bought me a few things about a week ago, but bought me more today, some leggings, a cute pair of boots with a black heal, and a nice top. When we got home, she said you know, you've neve tried on the stuff i got you last week. Go get everything and bring it down, and try it on for me, so we know if were getting you the right sizes. So i stood in the livingroom, trying on a couple dresses, panties, leggings, shirts, even some white thigh high stocking she got me. She told me I look really great in the cloths, I got dressed, and that was that. Later, she was painting her nails(JEALOUS) and said if i wanted to borrow her polish sometime i can, but she doesnt want it on my hands, only my feet so the kids dont see, which I'm happy she is willing to let me paint at least my toes, and i understand about the kids. Then this morning, she said, since the kids are at grandma's until tomorrow, why dont you dress up today, I'll help you with makeup. As I was getting in the shower, she took the clippers to my legs and chest, and told me I can shave anything I want except my face. I'm super excited because I know she has mixed feeling, but is really trying to understand and be super supportive. She has to work this afternoon, and she seemed kind of bummed that I'll be dressed all day and she will only be around for part of it though. I just opened up to her a week ago, and this morning she said, just do it, I want you to be happy, and neither of us knows if your going to like it, unless you do it. I'm just afraid I'm going to do too much too soon, but I could tell by the look on her face, that she was enjoying it when i tried on cloths, and made several comments about how amazing i looked... so hopefully this is a sign of progress in the right direction for Roberta, now to figure out how to shave, dress, makeup, and walk in the super cute boots she got me that have about a 3 inch heel lol

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

That’s great! I don’t think it’s too much too soon. As long as both of you are comfortable. Shaving is pretty simple hun. Just remember to take your time. Slow and steady is the best if you’ve never shaved. Otherwise your legs are going to look like Freddy Krueger got a hold of you lol. Heels are another thing though. For me, it was natural. I now wear 4.5 inch heels regularly and I’ll slip into a pair of 5 or 6 inch heels if I want to feel more sexy. The width of the heel also makes a hugeeeee difference. If they’re a boot with a nice wide heel, you’ll have a little easier time balancing. Stilettos are a little hard right off the bat but not impossible. As fore makeup, concealer concealer concealer lol. That is until you can get rid of the facial hair completely. I know your not allowed to shave your face, so I have a hard time with pointers there. I waxed my facial hair (yes ouch!) and I maintain a stubble free face now. Have fun girl!


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Sounds good, take her out to dinner as a man now.



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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

My first time dressing fully fem was when I was 18 at a college Halloween Party. I was surprised at all the compliments I got. I also was flattered about being hit on by both guys and girls. I was surprised at how many girls like it. Several offered me a very good time with them if I dressed like that. They may have been a bit tipsy but that often brings out the honesty and breaks down the inhibitions.

Your wife may actually be one of those who is excited by it or at least seems intrigued.

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Estimable Member     valdosta, Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

wonderful news that your wife is accepting and helping with your transformation.



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Estimable Member     Cheshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Brilliant news! Happy for you, your wife sounds simply amazing, make sure she knows it!

Enjoy exploring this aspect of yourself, love and hugs, Mandy x

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Trusted Member     Trinity, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

That's awesome your wife is supporting you. Mine is too and it's something that both can enjoy.

I got a pair of boots with a 3in square heel. I found taking smaller steps helps. My wife told me that she finally got to walk a pace she can easily keep pace with and all it took was 3in heels.


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