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Do you wear hip padding , corsetry etc all the time ?
I've owned and tried out the lot over the years . Especially once I came out I got sick of it all. Dressing in secret for those forbidden few hours , yes padded and clinched all over for that sexy femme shape . However I've eventually traded all of it for comfort and convenience .
It goes deeper of course . Always wear make up ? Always wear a wig ? At the moment I'm fully dressed but no wig and make , totally content and comfortable.
How about you ?
I used to LOVE!!! the feeling of being "tightly corseted". Especially when I put on my first "off with her head" Marie Antoinette replica ball gown.
Even more so when I had this professional makeover as depicted in this photo. (ten years ago last year)
Had a padded panty girdle, but "going to the ladies" with that on was a pain in the........ posterior.
I owned a lovely underbust corset in black, but I ended up giving both the is and the corset away
These days, too old to care about "my figure", I dress "age appropriate" and use pieces such as drop waist cardigans to hide my lack of a female "rear end"
In summary, the only"padding" I use are my favorite Gold seal attachable forms.
Happy dressing
"Nana" Caty.
As I only dress at home I don't worry too much about padding. I have moobs that depending on the style of bra come close to filling a B cup. I've always been told I have a nice butt and think it looks good in whatever I wear (my wife thinks it does - don't know if she's just being nice or not though). I do have a corset and waist cincher that I wear on occasion. Most of the time when I dress it is a dress or skirt/blouse without wig or make up. Right now I'm in a pair of ladies sweats, panties, bra and ladies top, no wig or make up but do have on lip shimmer and dangling earrings.
I've never worn bum, hip or thigh pads. TBH, they don't appeal to me as part of my dressing 'thing' is how my nylons and clothing feel against my skin, so as much as I love how they can look, I am put off by the idea that I won't feel 'like me' - if that makes any sense! 🤔
I do wear breastforms though, and I wouldn't be averse to a proper breastplate.
I am one that has tried all sorts of enhancers and breast forms. I find that there are no butt pads that will do a complete job of rounding things evenly and proportionately. Many years ago there was a padded corset that really did the job giving an even rounding of hips and butt. It wasn't cheap but was very wearable. The flaws were that it had a high waist band and zipped at the front. Alas they don't make them anymore so it's either silicone or the imports from China which are as good. What I ended up doing was to look at how the corest was made and cut my own pads from foam, covered them with a case and found some waist high knickers that held them and it works perfectly. They are light less cumbersome, easy wash and worn every day.
As for breast forms I am lucky to have a good natural moob which only needs a silicone breast form underneath to create a natural looking breast. The right bra and it stays put all day.
Hi Kay, Thanks for this interesting question. For me, what you see is what you get. I'm out and open and just wear off the rack women's clothes which I will occasionally alter to fit my body exactly. Nothing special here except a padded pushup bra for special occasions. Marg
I'm certain that everyone has their own comfort zone. For myself, I don't set foot out the door without a corset. Mostly because I'm erm...not in shape (yes, round is a shape), but also in wearing them out frequently for long periods I'm accustomed to them, and so don't see them as a nuisance.
Similarly I always wear my breast forms - though the size changes depending on the outfit - and again, I'm just used to that now and don't see it as any hassle or discomfort.
I'm lucky in that I don't need to wear hip padding. Which is good in that I'm certain I would find that the most tedious thing to do and maintain.
I'm at polar opposites, when I can't fully transform I am content to underdress. When I can fully transform into wendy, it is the full meal deal, makeup, wig, and all my silicone addons like hip, bum, vagina, and breastforms. I feel I'm wearing more silicone when I'm Wendy than any of the kardashians.
i won't consider a corset though, as I'd have to cinch my gut big time to get a hint of a female figure, and being cinched up tight like that causes my stomach and intestines to feel awful, like I can't even eat anything as it feels the food is stuck in my esophogus.
I've seen myself when I had to try on skirts, and looking in the mirror at a straight drab figure was very unappealing to me.
If I'm doing more than underdressing, I'm always in breastforms and often in two pairs of pocketed shorts with inserts, one for hips & the other for bum. To hold those in place (normally as far up as I can get them) I use a hook&eye waist trainer. Between them all they give me a pretty good tuck too. Otherwise, having zero hips of my own, things with no flare can rather hang on me, so I'm looking for a still reasonable but less lengthy set of hip shorts to work with shorter summer dresses. I also have a couple of dresses that just don't need them - my denim one has its own flare and I've a white polka-dot bodycon with a peplum that works wonders, including on my tummy. But when it's really hot, I wouldn't want to be in all those extra shorts. Just as well my favourite blue summer floaty dress and my bright floral pleated A-line miniskirt need no assistance!
The only artificial asthetic that I use is my breast forms which I wear full time. My natural breasts are a small B cup to which I have the support of a bra to be advantageous especially during physical activity. However, my natural breasts do not properly fill out the cups; wearing my forms does fill out the cups and generally makes the bra more supportive and comfortable.
The rest of my presentation is natural. I have never had any interest in any other padding. I also do not wear a wig. Wigs have always made me feel like I was hiding who I was - something I do not want to do. And I rarely wear makeup aside from nail polish.
That being said, I present as who I am, and am proud to do so.
MacKenzie Alexandra