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Proud of my kids. Z

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Last night we went for dinner to an Olive Garden restaurant.  When the hostess took us to our booth, I noticed a group of 3 adult women and two kids in a nearby table.

One of them had her back to us. Almost immediately I noticed that she could be a trans woman, and soon enough I was able to confirm my suspicions when I heard her talk to others at her table. My wife and kids noticed her too. But none of them made any comments about her at all.

They left a little bit latter and them my daughter asked if we had realized that the lady at the other table was trans. We all said yes, and she said that it was nice that she had been able to had dinner with her friends and kids and nobody in the restaurant had made any comments or pointed fingers or anything, and that the staff seemed to be totally professional about them too.

My son added something like”well, they were just minding their own business so nobody had any reason to bother them”.

Sadly my wife, who is a really nice woman, has a very strong opinion about gender issues, both because of her upbringing and because how all the issues we have had about my dressing so she was not exactly complimentary about the situation. *sigh*

I have always trusted that my children will support me when/if I ever tell them about me... now I am fully convinced they will!

Gaby 💜

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi to-day will amaze you from time to time. Not having friens ar school who are idiots, help too.

Dame Veronica

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Honorable Member     Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
Joined: 8 years ago

How wonderful Gaby. No matter your wife's opinion you hav reaised them well. My three sons all know and support me.


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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi gaby. i'm glad your kids are so accepting. but why should anyone bother with them, they are human beings like all of us, not from some far away galaxy! in the 21st century, I for one would have thought by now, that the world would move forward and become more accepting as we are no longer living in the middle ages and likely to be burnt at the stake for our sins!! thanks for the post gaby, I just wish there were far more people on the planet with the same attitude as your children. 🙂 .

love and kisses, fiona xxx

note!! I was not implying crossdressing is a sin, just a figure of speech, just in case anyone gets offended!


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I have been her. I have been dinning with friends and had one family not very different than mine twisting their necks to take a good look at 'it'.

It is very sad, but it is the way it is. Sure, I have had other times when I ran into people who, if they read me, they just didn't care, as I was just another patron at the restaurant.

I'm glad we raised good kids.

Thank you!


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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Oh how lucky are you Gaby,

When my two girls found out the hard way about Caty, some 15 years ago, I was 'cast aside forthwith" and it took years and an international move from one of them to repair the damage.

It was almost as the same time as when I initiated the separation from their mother and all she did was get out the petrol can and pour it on the fire...

I guess the good news is now things are much better, but daughter number one, the one that moved o/s now has three wonderful teenage kids and I have a chronic back injury.

Nett result, they dont come to OZ all that often and  (even up the pointy end), I cant hack the long flight to see my grandkids.

The country they now live in has a "very controversial administration" especially with immigration. So there was a big stuff up with Visas last year and they had to cancel their trip.

So yes, anyone with understanding kids has a lot to be thankful and proud of.







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I hope and pray that your relationship with your daughters will continue to improve. There are so many issues surrounding any divorce, so much hurting, and looks like your ex was able to channel all that and blame you for everything. I can’t even imagine how difficult it most be to be having to be separated from your children.

Times have changed and younger kids have been exposed to a lot of information so they are more accepting of others. But I still feel blessed that mine can be compassionate and tolerant of others.




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