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Proud to be a Crossdresser

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Trusted Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 7 years ago

So after a period of self doubt I am now proud to class myself as a crossdresser. Let me explain further, I have looked up cross dressing many times on the internet whilst I worked out where I fit in to the world. I kept on finding reviews and stories that always led people to believe that deviant or perverse behaviour  is who cross dressers are. After coming out to all my friends and colleagues who I am and all the people I have met whilst dressed who just accept me for who I am. I now feel immensely proud to be who I am.

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Awesome, glad to read this! And more importantly, glad to hear that you are proud of who you are.  That in itself is wonderful news!



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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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Sounds great! I am looking for an opportune time to tell someone other than my wife. She knows so who cares who else does? At the same time, never trying to make any situation awkwardly about me. I do need to own it more.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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That's so great that you are proud to be a crossdresserAlison.Good for you.After crossdressing off and on for years I too eventually became proud of who I was.Not only do now embrace my femme side I love it.Alison it's wonderful that you friends and colleagues.The fact that that they are accepting just goes to prove that attitudes to us are changing.I have been out to my wife for a few years now.She is accepting and very encouraging of Roberta.Nobody else knows neither friends or family.There were many lovely ladies who worked in my old office who I envied that I have lovec to come out to.I think they would have been supportive.I won't come out to anyone else now.I do this out of respect for my lovely wife.I have her total support.I love it that we can have girly chats about clothes.I can also do this with all you lovely ladies too.I consider myself blessed.

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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
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I have had my ups and downs with being how I am.  Most of my life since coming out, I have remained pretty positive about who I am, but just like a lot of people, I have had to deal with down times and negative thoughts and feelings.  I have always managed to come back as a stronger person, a little changed, but more for the better.

Once I understood that it wasn't my fault if someone else didn't like or agree with what or how I was, it was their problem to deal with, not mine.  That realization made things a lot easier for me to live with.



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A lot of the time I find myself still analysing my motives - why do I cross dress?

In the past, before I joined this site, there was always the nagging doubts that there were deviant and unhealthy motives.

This is completely understandable, since the feeling and look of women's clothing, and even accessories and makeup is very sensual.

As part of that analysis, I find myself linking events and habitual behaviours to cross dressing, but again, thanks to being able to compare notes with others here, I am able to make better sense of it all, and see it in the positive light it deserves.

Since opening up to, and fully accepting that this is part of who I am and have always been, my mental health has improved, I am open to more life experiences, happier in myself and around others, more confident, find it easier to learn things that frankly, I thought I was getting too old to learn... the lust of benefits for me seems endless.

Occasionally I still have doubts, but when I look at all the positive, I can only see them as residual, habitual thought patterns of my old life.

I feel more responsible as a cross dresser now, like I have a duty to show the world that we aren't weirdos, but actually normal and nice people who are good to have around.

That's a tall order, as it seems to me that it shouldn't be done in a way that forces the ideas down people's throats, breeding resentment, but in a way that interests people and gets them to challenge their own perceptions.

So far, it seems to work - in public, especially in a club atmosphere, people are very inquisitive, and will ask the right questions!

I really enjoy being myself, but I'm not sure about feeling proud, until I know I've made some positive impact in a wider sense. And that needs to be done gently, on its own timescale.

Love Laura.


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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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I love being a crossdresser. To wear nice pantyhose, sexy heels and a short dress is such a thrill. To get treated very nice, get lots of looks and compliments is wonderful. I can't say I'm proud to be a crossdresser. I can definitely say I love it.

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Hi Alison, and nice to meet you.

While I believe I can understand where you are coming from, I’m not sure I can say that I share the concept of being proud because of who you are.

I believe pride should come for what we have done and we have achieved. Of course we shouldn’t be ashamed of who we are either. Once again shame should only come from what we have personally done or left undone.

Regardless of semantics, I’m glad you are at a much better place now. The most important step towards acceptance is often the hardest... self-acceptance. Being able to love the individuals we are, our uniqueness, while at the same time keeping up our desire to become better human beings.

Gaby 💜

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Noble Member     GB
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Well said Alison. And it is people like you who are helping ‘desensitise’ society at large to normalising Crossdressing. The more we do it in public, the more society will accept it as normal behaviour. which it is, and should be viewed as such. What’s the harm?


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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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By owning the term 'crossdresser' as a person who is not 'deviant' or 'perverse' we help colour people's view of the term.

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Hi Alison , I'm proud & open about being gender fluid & crossdressing being part of that ,.. .my wife is proud & open also 🌈🌹

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Reputable Member     by the sea side, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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In the UK we use the term Transgender to cover the whole alphabet soup of diverse gender types with CD being one of the options.

With some 50 known terms (and more!) it can be a little hard to define who and what you identify as. In my youth there was only ‘TV' and ‘TS', which had to fit everything related to non-gender conformity, but I am glad to see we have now moved on and are in a better place.

I don't actually give my self a hard & fast label as I feel would like to transition one day, but may not take hormones or have surgery.

I have put things on hold for a long time and am happy to dress when ever the opportunity or occasion arrises. (long story so take a peek at my blogg for more info)

Meanwhile I have the support of my wonderful partner and am mostly out to the world.

I agree with taking ownership of your tag and being proud of who and what you are !



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Trusted Member     STOKE-ON-TRENT, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Its so good to read all these posts on people being at one with themselves. Hope you enjoy every moment of it.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

When I was 18 I began dressing fully fem and began partying as often as I could. I loved the attention I got from girls and guys. Much of my behavior for a couple of years was fetish based.

Then when I met my wife, she met Patty a couple of weeks later. It was an awkward situation at first but she was amazed at how pretty and sexy I was as Patty. I was already her boyfriend. I became her girlfriend too.

I still partied a lot. She often came with me. I still loved the dressing and the attention and adulation I got, but I did away with my decadent ways. I wasn't looking for someone to give me attention, worship over me and make me feel good. I had that in my girlfriend and she was exclusive. Non of my old ways appealed to me anymore.

Now Patty was the girl who went out shoppjng with her girlfriend. They chose outfits for each other, dressed for each other and went out as girlfriends. I still loved being a crossdresser but now in a different way.

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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Gurls,

I find the more I crossdress the less I care what people other than my wife and daughter thing.

Do any of you feel you get bolder the more you dress?



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