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Yesterday I attended a professional organization's training event, and I thought I was very bold.
No, I didn't dress en femme. As a matter of fact, I was in professional male sports coat, slacks, dress shoes. In spite of my newfound identity as female most of the time (genderfluid), I am in the habit of dressing for respect.
The bold move was to wear fingernail polish in a bold blue-teal. I had gone out dressed (once to my support group meeting, and once to a gay bar) twice in the past two days and was feeling good.
When I went to the professionals training event yesterday evening, I made no attempts to hide the nails, and I'm very expressive with my hands when I talk, so the color was flashing quite a bit. No comments, no stares at my hands, and I was in heaven.
I think about how much I was OK with my nails, I liked my nails, I enjoyed my feminine expressing through my nails, I was being me. I respected myself and my choice.
And because I respected myself unapologeticly, so did they.
Some say it's all about confidence. Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but this experience seemed to feel more like respect for who I am and how I want to express my feminine identity.
Respect is hard to come by. I mean self-respect. We are quick to criticize or minimize ourselves. We are quick to compare ourselves. But think of the courage it takes to go out en femme, or even just wearing nail polish. I found myself respecting myself for that courage and resolve.
How does this concept of self-respect resonate with you?
Does it give you a new perspective?
Can you recall times where you can now identify the element of self-respect in your presentation and how others responded?
Can't wait to hear from you!
Totally agree. I think I witter on about it quite a lot, so won't repeat myself.
Instead, I'll make it a feature of the Personal Cross Dressing story that I will start tomorrow.
Love Laura
Bravo Lorie !
THat was a good article, Laura! Thanks.
Hi Lorie ,
Another wonderful piece , I've can only agree, the confidence to be yourself coupled with the respect of the situation.
I try to express my femme side daily without going OTT ( usually it's jewellery & my wife will say that is to much ) , seems it makes it non threatening for others so they may think it strange but it's not making them feel uncomfortable. So it becomes unsaid mutual respect .
It's self acceptance and self respect and self confidence that are key. As I've written in several of my articles-if we don't accept ourselves, how can we expect anyone ELSE to accept us?