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[Closed] Racy girly pics

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

After my last dress-up session, I was getting undressed and noticed in the mirror that I looked kinda cute in my underwear. My wig was still perfect and my makeup still flawless. LOL!!! (It never is but it’s good enough).

I took a few snaps of myself…(after all, Grace is a vanity project for me😊).

Filed those away in my “Grace’s Private Pics” folder in case Playboy or Penthouse ever call me. (Penthouse still around? Probably not.)

But it got me to thinking…what about possibly adding a new photo section category on CDH. “No Nudity Tasteful Lingerie Photos”. Showcase a little tasteful cheesecake maybe? Have Angela W and the rest of the ambassadors screen them for disgustingness and then post the best sexy ones.

Anyway, just thinkin about that. After all, underwear is a BIG topic here on CDH. I used to know some girls who would only wear matching bra and panties. That’s never been me though. I’m a practical girl nowadays. I prefer the longer boy shorts for daily wear. Basic bras when fully dressed. 

I know there’s a lot of girls on here rocking their fabulous undies who wouldn’t mind showing them off a little🥰


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Famed Member     San Bernardino, California, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Grace, as you know, we don’t allow images of undergarments in the public galleries.

Public photos are accessible to anyone on the internet, so photos like that would probably go viral pretty quickly. However, photos in a member’s private gallery can only be seen by other CDH members. So we allow photos involving undergarments in a member's private collection, provided they are tasteful.

The basic rules of decency and decorum apply to all photos at CDH, public and private.

Since members already have the option of posting tasteful lingerie shots in their private collection, it is the opinion of the staff that we really don’t need to set up a separate category or section of the site for it. 


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