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I read a post tonight about feeling lonely - almost wish I didn’t read it as it has me feeling really lonely tonight. I identify as bisexual - attracted to a woman’s appearance, but enjoy the feel of a man. My wife is ultra conservative sexually and after 20 years of marriage and two children we are totally roommates - only time we’re together is when we are in bed and only sleep. Am I alone out there? My fantasy is to find a man who also likes to dress - satisfying both of my desires.
I am in search of my femme name - curious how others chose their’s?
This site has been great in making me feel accepted and giving me courage to not only wear women’s clothing in public but actually go shopping- the bad part is I have had some free time this week and with my new found courage have been out shopping 5 times this week alone - need to stay away from the stores for a little bit, but have totally built a stealth wardrobe with 5 pairs of pants, 3 sweat pants, a couple of t-shirts, 2 tops, a couple of hoodies, 2 jackets, running shoes, ballerina shoes for the car, and for those special times a black summer dress, nylons, wedge peek toe shoes, and a black wig. For anyone wondering I have convinced my wife I am buying women’s clothing that look like men’s for fit and comfort - I am not a slim girl, and only 5’8” tall so most larger men’s clothing is way to long for me and well a little unfashionable - although most men’s clothing is unfashionable 🙂
Finally I am learning to walk and stand more femme - no more hands in my pocket, shrugged shoulders - still got a whole long way to go but enjoying my journey and it is totally helping my diet - down 15 pounds in the past two months.
I can identify with what you are feeling.....way to go on the diet too! I need to do the same
Thanks Christie - appreciate the support. Always nice to know your not alone in this universe.
your welcome! we are all here to help and support each other
Dear Live Life..........welcome to our site my new sister! Sweetie....we must do something to get you an appropriate name. A lot of us have a female name that is derived from our real name. I say....we are actually designing a totally new us, so let's do same with a new name. It could be a movie starlette you admire, something based upon a life incident...the sky is the limit. As an example....I will give you my name and how it became to be.
Lady Veronica Graunwolf. I am descended from Charlemagne in France. His right hand man Roland is an off-shoot of Ronald, female equivialent = Veronica. The other side is I am directly related to the Hapsburg Dynasty of Austria/Germany. A distant cousin is Wilhelm Rhinehardt Scheer - Admiral in WW1 Kreigsmarine and the WW2 Pocket Battleship is named for him, that took down the most allied shipping! I am also interested in U-Boats hence Graunwolf (Greywolf) Wolf Packs. I am Royalty in those countries....and officially a Lady of the court. Just recently, I received my Knighthood....now I am Dame.
My Avatar..........I was a warrior and I also has as a pet a McKenzie River timber Wolf...called Tinker-Bell. Along with many Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies...we roamed north Canada via dog sled. There you have my name......Dame Veronica Graunwolf.
See if you can find a name for yourself...not your current name but a name en femme of what you would like to be called. Such fun.......look forward to hearing more from you......till then.....
Dame Veronica
I can relate completely with you and how you feel. I feel my wife and I are roomates and have less in common as the years pass. The first name I had chosen for myself when i was very young I gave to my daughter so she could have what i never could. The name i use now actually just came to me one day and I felt it fit. As far as the diet soooo jealous I look at a dessert and gain 15 pounds. Welcome to the site sweety!
Thank-you Veronica for your support and sharing - you have totally inspired me. I think I finally came up with my femme name. I am going to play it in my head a little and see if it sticks - when I finally come to a decision I plan to post something to reintroduce myself - will definitely be providing you some credit as your reply has spurned a new chapter for me.
Big Hugs
Thanks Allison - although not something I wish on anyone it is comforting to know I am not alone. The hardest part of my diet has been cutting out sugar and reducing my carbs - I am totally addicted to sugary pastries!
Hi Live,
I feel your loneliness a lot of the time too. Kids are out on their own, SO works a ton and is home late, and like you most of the time we spend together is in bed, asleep. Sex is almost non-existent anymore. I have to take some blame however because I know some of that is due to my legs being soft and smooth all of the time now.
Like you too, I would love to find another CD/TV whatever term you want to use, to have some time with. I've seen one or two around, but have not had the opportunity to meet them.
My SO knows I have jeans and some "booties" (short boots), but all the other stuff is out of sight.
Hang in there! I'm sure we'll find our way!
Oh, and I've always like the name "Rebecca", so that was it, although spelled with "k"s
Thanks Rebekka - love the fact you used a k in your room - shows your creativity and individuality. And thank-you for sharing your story. I am so glad to have found a place like this with so many lovely people like yourself who are so accepting and understanding.
Welcome to our group of sisters hon. You will never be alone again. Your story rings so true with me. My SO entered my life 10 years ago and was well aware of my love for men and women. Where I live now is not bisexual-friendly (Rosarito, Baja) and she does not want me to embarrass her since we present as a married couple. I too am closeted CD, she is very much against my dressing, though she knows I do it when she's not around. This site is a Godsend to me. It allows me to share my thoughts and fears, knowing my sisters will be there to support me. I'm honored to be your friend here hon.
Hugs and kisses,
hi live. lonliness! dont go there! I think most of us can relate to that at one time or another. I sympathise with you regarding your wife as I am pretty much in the same boat as it were. I feel I am fast getting to the stage where I would like to meet someone like me, who is a cross dresser, even if its to hang about, share stories or whatever and just be friends, someone to talk to. well done with your diet! regarding my femme name, it just sounded pretty and young, which is how I dress, so the name fits well.
fiona xx
Hello Live! Maybe you can be Liv short for Olivia? Anyway my second marriage was that way at 20 but then she dropped a bomb on me and wanted a divorce. C’est la vie! You have many friends here to lend support and a shoulder should you have need of one. Peace and love ❤️ sister!
Hi though my wife is fine with me crossdressing she struggles with me being more a woman which feels like an attack. However, I am able to wear quite a bit of her clothes she only gets bothered if I wear anything she wants for herself.
I do struggle with the lonlyl feeling and that I don't belong. I also feel confused which can bring very bad feelings. My therapist suggest I find things that can meet in between so I can be me and still meet the wants of people around us.
Hopefully this helps, I am still trying to find a balance in my life. My name I just took the feminine side of my own.
My pleasure Dear!
We are always here to listen and share!
X's & O's!