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Today is my fortieth birthday. I know that many individuals approach this anniversary with apprehension and disdain, something which I, myself, have done in jest. However, the reality is that today marks time during a wonderful time in my life. I am blessed all around, and I will embrace those blessings. I am in general good health and am making significant progress in improving that still. I am part of a wonderful family whose support is something on which I count without doubt. I also enjoy a the love, support, patience, and understanding of a wonderful woman who is my best friend. I am able to live my life how I want. Are there things that I would like to change about my life? Of course, I am human, but all in all, I am satisfied and enjoying life.
MacKenzie Alexandra
Happy Birthday MacKenzie! I am happy to hear you are content and at your age, have a long time to cross dress...I envy you. I wish I were that young again. Be sure to exercise and eat healthy to avoid complications in later life. Hope you get all dolled up and go out dancing and dining with that lovely wife of yours....she is the best present you could ever receive.
Hug and birthday kiss!
Dame Veronica
Happy Birthday MacKenzie🎂🎉
Hi Mackenzie,
Happy Birthday! Loved reading your post, you are indeed blessed. Have a wonderful day
Hugs, Davinia xx
Happy birthday Mackenzie, your forties are a great time and it sounds like you're just getting better and better. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday! Forty was a pretty good time for me - just on the verge of some career changes and pretty happy with where I was. I hope it is even better for you.
Happy "big 40" from a/. someone almost twice that and b/. from down under Mackenzie
You are so lucky to have all that freedom ahead of you, in contrast to what we "mature" types were going through, "when I was your age". (Oh how I loved to watch my then teenager daughters eyes glaze over when I said that to them!).
All the guilt, subterfuge, (make that straight out lies) that we told our SO's and the world that "our generation" had to endure to try to be our femme selves.
And best of all from my memories of those days, you can still wear a bridal or bridesmaids gown and get away with it. Tho I do confess I enjoy being "mother of the Bride" these days.
I've have a good Aussie red for you at dinner tonight
Happy Birthday MacKenzie!! I remember my 40th. My second wife surprised me with a trip to New York City, got me drunk and conveniently forgot to pack the condoms. The result: daughter number three! Lol Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Happy 40th Birthday MacKenzie. May you have a fabulous time no matter what you do!
Happy 40th, darling.
🎂Happy Birthday Mac!🎂
MacKenzie a very happy birthday to a wonderful person. You are a remarkable soul one we are so happy to have here . The best to you and your beautiful wife, 🌹
Happy Birthday sweety🎂 xxx Ally
Happy belated birthday!!! It only gets better and life gets better. Enjoy!