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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

No not that type, although there is some of that its not my direction in this post.

A short time ago there was a post regarding how often new members show up and then sometimes within a short period of time, they disappear again with little or no explanation. Its a shame for both the site and us as a caring community as some of these people were engaging and interesting individuals who contributed regularly, whether they were paid or free members is irrelevant. Having them within our group kept others coming back who inturn were/are potential paid members. Many of them were good friends, even if only on here, they are missed. I don't remember seeing any diffinative reasons as to the 'why' of it and maybe we'll never know. This started me thinking.

Now, as was mentioned in the original post, there are many possible reasons for this of which I'll list just few

They simply got bored.

It didn't fit/reflect their views.

They stopped dressing or tried to purge.

Partner found out and dissapproved.

Didn't feel included or welcome.

The membership as a whole is fantastic, friendly and inclusive which for many of us is enough to keep us happy and content, reality dictates that understandably it can't ever fit everybodies expectations.

One of the few things that bothers me from time to time is the non personal approach to some things, its not just here but an often noticed side effect of our digital times. Many administrations seem to not see the importance of reaching out to their members or customers in any personal way. Here, its a reluctance to inform people one on one of non-posting an item, deletions, editing for whatever the reason may be. Or no official acknowlegdement or replies to technical problems that are posted.

I fully appreciate that this site is here for us and am sure I only partially understand what it takes to make and keep it going smoothly. Some of the other tech service providers have a dedicated sector with titles such as retention or loyalty set up in an effort to keep their customers, sometimes reaching out via email to discover and attempt to correct any repeated reasons why those people are no longer frequenting their business. I'm not sure if something like that could work, its possible some wouldn't reply to the enquiry, but its a thought. Just mine of course, anybody else have others?


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Olivia. I continue to reserve my “thanks” for when it is the response that’s desired. I need not even agree - that’s the beauty of this site. Some topics are simply thought provoking. When I first joined as a “card carrying CD Member” I soon withdrew my financial. In case anyone is interested, it was easy to do so. Then, within days I returned. I’m in and out on responses. As in absolutely anything there are topics that interest and not so much. BUT, no where have I been able to be this evolving me. So, come and stay or come and go and come back again. Let this site be what you want it to be. If you wish to engage more personally then there are means to share. There is the sister TG site - though there is an additional fee (boo!). Olivia is right though. This is a place where the woman in you gets a place to be.


Posts: 1559
Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago


I think that one of the answers for what happens to a lot of well-meaning groups is as easy to answer as "Why is there air?"  The responses can be so varied it would be hard to count.

From my time on the web and my own explorations, I have joined probably over a hundred different T/CD groups.  Of course you have to join and register with most of them to see what is there.  The majority of these groups are simply porn or exploitation sites, and die away rather quickly, or are bought out by other sites wanting to control the contents of those groups.

Many I have found are joined by people so they may exercise their fantasy life with little danger of exposure and where they can remain anonymous, ghosting and disappearing, or being booted out, only to return under another name and identity.

A lot of sites are very well put together initially, but aren't maintained with the dedication of a minority of the sites, and it is hard to find places that are put together well and maintained to a high standard, which can be discouraging to people who are looking for a safe place to land and learn and grow.

As members of this ,IMHO, beautifully put together site, it is all of our responsibilities to help maintain what has been put here for the rest of us to enjoy.  All of us 'Old Broads' need to help our younger sister's (not just younger age wise, but in time spent finding themselves too ).  We have a huge collection of experience, trial and error, and advice that we must share or it might be lost.  It doesn't matter how trivial we might think it is, someone could use that little bit of knowledge to maybe change something or enhance what they have already built.


A little more than my $.02



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