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I reunited with my mom yesterday and she took the changes well.Saw her last when I was 8 years old,she hung out in the wrong crowd in and out of jail.She did see something was different with me and was right.Did call me Adrianna and told her I started this 10 years ago finally happy in my life.Said she loves me no matter what as her daughter.I am glad she changed too and told she is in my life now
That's great Adrianna.
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It is and she cleaned up her life first.She
gave birth to me at age 16 and was a good mom at first.Then she hung around the drug users and did break laws.Plans are some time together next weekend.I am glad she is 100% supportive
People can change, especially with support from loved ones. Good luck to both of you as you start your new life. I hope you can support her, and she you. It can make a world of difference for both of you.
I am happy that your life is having a nice turn now. Change does come with effort and pleasing to see a reuniting of you and your mother. I hope that it all goes well for you.
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I am going to support her and she is going to continue to support me.She has a good life ahead of her now putting the past behind her.Said her family will take me in still,have not seen them since I was 8 as well and still remember them too.Plans are to meet them too
So glad that you’re mother has returned to your life and accepted you. I hope she can make similar positive changes in her life.
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She has and ditched those no good people out of her life for good.Got the help she needed and has been clean and sober ever since.She is glad I found my true self 10 years ago finally
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My mom put the huge effort in to change her life around in the right direction.Decided to ditch the no good friends out of her life.Then got the help for her drug problems,did the heroin and cocaine which she kicked now clean and sober