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So, have any of you ever felt like you were in a CD rut? Like, it's still mostly fun, but seems to have dipped into a bit of monotony?
A bit of explanation: I know it's a bit taboo to get into it on this site, so I'll tread lightly. There's still a large number of people in the world who are less than accepting of folks like us, so just venturing out into the regular world is ... touchy. While it's perfectly possible all will go well, I think it's reasonable to assume that there will be difficulties of some sort. In a quick pause, I want to say that I am in awe of the truly transgendered and such, who have to put up with these difficulties on a daily basis. I couldn't do it. Frankly, I don't think I could deal with it even on a very occasional basis. Anyway, it's because of the very real threat of unpleasant reactions from others that ventures into the world are rather limited in scope. For me, it's been limited to one single location away from home. Eventually, heading to the same place two or three times a week (at most, more usually, once) just loses something. Especially, when you're really not doing anything you can't do at home (drink a beer and chat here). So, for lack of a better idea, I decided to take some time off.
Now, all that said, I'm not sure there is a viable solution here. What do you do when you're - and I apologize for using this word - bored with what you're doing, but there are no other good options? Important note: I appreciate the thought, but "just ignore it" is not really a solution, to me. I realize some people can be publicly harassed and humiliated and simply not blink an eye to it. I am not one of those people. It would not be good for anyone, least of all me.
I don't know. Would you call this a rut? If not, what is it? Am I crazy? Or what?
This is an odd situation. And I apologize for rambling on about something I doubt people really care about. But, I just figured I'd toss it out and see what comes back.
Thanks. :kiss:
We're all in different contexts.
In our minds and in our communities.
Where you live may be less tolerant than a nearby city.
On the other hand, some cities have more crime than others, so how you dress may not matter as much as where you happen to be when the guy on the scooter drives up and mugs you for your phone.
Some cities have a thriving, accepting community.
All I'm saying is pick a good place (and a tasteful outfit), and no-one will mind. You might even get a compliment!
Love Laura
Your photos are very nice, a young pretty woman.
Last time I was out in Vegas, I saw many trans girls and CDs. Nobody was paying any special attention to them. Have you been harassed in Las Vegas?
I note at the end of your profile you were wondering about your status? From what you say, you are the classic heterosexual CD, a guy who likes to dress up in female attire once in a while and go out in public, presenting in the female gender. You have no desire to be a full time woman. Such is myself too. I go out in public, in the female gender, about three times a week. I am not transgendered and don't want to be. However, I love to wear female clothing.
Peggy Sue
I once wondered if I would ever get bored of dressing...but that has never happened. I live alone and have the ability to dress quite frequently. I will most likely be dressed if I am at home and don't plan on going outside for a little while. Sometimes when I need to go out to do something important, I hesitate a little because even though at those times I had been wearing a one piece swimsuit for a while, I don't want to take it off. When I do, then go out to do what I need to do, then return home, I almost immediately put it back on. The only ruts I have ever been in is when I am dying to go out to a secluded area by one of the lakes somewhere, but some event or act of mother nature prevents it. My current one being that recent floods in Nebraska and Iowa have devastated a lot of farmlands and property. All the areas I go to where I could dress outdoors in seclusion are inaccessible and will probably be that way for some time.
As far as the dressing, that almost never gets boring.
I kind of dress in a rut, but simply because I have got to the point where dressing is incorporated into my everyday life - my outings are often the ordinary 'rut' things I'd be doing anyway. That said I do still like to look for new ways of getting Rachel out in the world, just to keep things interesting.
You've got fixed on one venue/place - bound to get a bit samey and feel like your in rut.
Think of other places you can go - make a list - then get on and work your way through it; you may find some places you like and others not. That's what I did once I got bored walking round my neighbourhood ....now I have a few nice places to go and I'm adding to my list as I become more confident ...