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I had made a friend through CDH starting last October 2023. Her name was Lucinda Hawkins and she lived local to me. We emailed through CDH and exchanged personal emails and phone numbers. We were planning on getting together for coffee and hear each other’s stories and possibly go out for a girl’s night out. As the next months passed, we just couldn’t find time due to Holidays and family happenings. In December Lucinda wasn’t feeling well and I was getting ready to head south for a couple months. We decided to get together in the Spring when I got back. I emailed a couple of times during the winter and again when I got back home. I received no response. Sadly, I found out that Lucinda passed away in early January. Apparently, cancer. I regret never having that coffee together. I am sure we could have found time. So, Ladies be who you are inside and don’t put it off. Enjoy every aspect of your life. We all deserve the happiness in living every day as we wish without any regrets!
Sad indeed!
This has happened during my long on-line life a few times and what to do about it was discussed here maybe a year or so ago.
We need to leave our survivors enough complete information so that they can notify our cyber friends.
So sorry to hear that, Maive. 😔
We're none of us promised tomorrow, so get out there and smell those roses! 🌹 (or tulips, as the case may be)
So sad Maive. Always try to meet those you have made a commitment to and yes, live life to the full.
It's sad news. I remember Lucinda Hawkns because she was very active when I joined. She was younger than me.
My condolences, Maive. With good friends a piece of us always dies, but we keep them alive in our hearts.
Likewise, it is mystery? Hopefully not sad, when a girl disappears off CDH without explanation.
My wife was very ill last summer, and I was absent from CDH for a few months. When I returned, a girl named Daniel Wayne, over in Alabama, had vanished from CDH. If anyone knows why she left CDH, I would appreciate knowing?
She was an exceptionally pretty blond girl, moved down to Alabama from up north to be closer to her grandkids here in Atlanta. We were always going to get together, we never did.
So sorry Maive. Thank you for sharing this news.
". . . Each person's death diminishes me,
for I am involved in mankind.
Send not to know for whom the bell tolls,
It toll for thee."
So sorry to hear hope all is well 🙏
I didn’t know Lucinda but I’m so happy she touched so many lives! And now she is still inspiring us to be better people!
Way to go Lucinda!
Maive -
Sorry to hear of Lucinda's passing. It is sad that so many of us can't be truly open even to those close to us. Maybe one day that will change.
So sorry to hear this. Is there a way perhaps one of the administrators of CDH could post a photo or photos of Lucinda here in her beautiful memory? ❤️