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I watched an interesting mini documentary on the Seahorse Society in Australia last night. I had never heard of it before & as they said that it was not publicised (at least back in the day) I wonder how anyone ever managed to join. Considering the private nature of our particular lifestyle I can't see how they ever managed to get such a club off the ground.
Is anyone here a member & if so how did you get to know about it?
I have seen that video i think its about 11 years old now. I'm not a member. We live about 450km from Sydney. And for us, its a bit expensive to join and go to the meetings.
They do have a website. From memory, (its a while since I looked.) They had a wealth of information you could access. Though a lot of it was members only.
Hi ladies
Seahorse groups have been around here in "OZ "for decades. The biggest and most active has been Seahorse NSW, with smaller groups in Melbourne Victoria and up in Brisbane. I've never joined the Melbourne one and I'm not sure how the "Brissy" one is going either. Adelaide SA had the Carousel Club, but I think that's just about dead. (Happy to be corrected) Perth had Chameleons and I attended a couple of their meetings some 40 odd years ago during work trips. But that folded as well.
Ten years ago this month I attended the annual Seahorse Ball at a hotel in Sydney. First time in "closeted" public!! Won the door prize of some impossibly high heels, (with my bad back... just not on). So I donated 'em back. Also.... Terrible pro??? make up job took the edge off the night and I've never forgotten the wide eyed Asian tourists in the hotel lobby, looking at about 200 of "us" in all our finery!
Bet that"highlight" was not included in their "tour package"
Other Oz groups have included Transgender Radio which once ran annual formals up the Blue Mountains west of Sydney,
(See my article on here "Transformal was great but I wont be going back"). Yes, my back went bad on that occasion too.
But "TGR" seems to have faded of late and to a certain extent another group "TransAcshon" seems to have emerged.Tho even they dont seem to have much "Acshon" these days. Again, happy to be corrected.
When I had a "blue" (Oz for arguement") with the TGR admins, that's when I found CDH. I must contact them and thank them sometime!!.
Happy dressing one and all, (especially at CD formals, what a lovely way to spend an evening)