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Hi Ladies!
Recently I've been thinking about finding a job (even part time) where I could openly dress and not be concerned about it. I live in the SF Bay Area, and am beginning to explore jobs in the "fashion industry", but am really going into this "blind". Hoping some of you may have some ideas or suggestions on avenues to explore.
Thanks Ladies!
Hugs and Kisses!
Hi Rebekka - I am a Bay Area girl too.
I think its going to depend on the culture of the company more than anything. Some tech firms are very open, others very "bro" cultured. I would focus on finding a position in something you are good at and can be happy working there.
Where in the bay area are you? You don't have to be specific, just a general locale. Would lobe to meet sometime if possible.
As others have said, it's probably more the culture of the company than the job.
That said, if you're looking at retail sorts of things I would focus more on small boutiques and shops with owners and managers who care more about your performance than if you are dressed or not. At larger firms I'd probe a bit about the culture, as was said, some take it in stride, some do not. Nonprofits are probably similar - check out the culture first and then take a look at where you would fit in professionally.
And then there's always politics. Find a candidate you can support and work on their campaign - a candidate or campaign who welcomes you however you are dressed may well be worth supporting.