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See, people really don't bother.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Plymouth with me en femme, she wanted to get her nose pierced, her appointment was at 1 pm and we were running slightly late due to traffic. With this in mind, I dropped her off near the piercing studio and carried on to park the car; probably took me about fifteen minutes to find a place then walk back to the studio. On entering the front shop, I asked the girl behind the counter if my wife had gone upstairs and she pointed to the back door and said "Go on up."

Up the stairs and into the studio where my wife was sitting on the bed with the piercer in front, putting a mark on her nose. We had a conversation with the operative about piercing in general and I moved into a position where I could see the detail of it being done. Once finished, we chatted further about piercing and his job in general before leaving the shop, saying goodbye to the girl downstairs.

Not a strange word, not a funny look or comment (although 'nice outfit' would have been nice 😊 ). I could have walked in to deliver an Amazon parcel for all the attention that was paid to my cross-dressing.

Afterwards, we walked around M&S to window-shop then had a coffee, noticing that a couple of other—much younger and 'out there'—crossdressers were about in town; again, no funny looks at all.

After leaving the city, we went to Tesco in a little town just three miles from my home and it was here that I felt more obvious, but it was only in my mind as no one gave me a second glance there either. I think it was just that it was very close to home and it was quite possible to see someone I knew (I didn't).

All-in-all, a happy and satisfying trip out, one of the best I've had I think.

Tomorrow, we are going to a garden centre and will be the last outing together before Christmas as next week will be just too busy and irritating with so many people around.

My point being, of course, is that if you are on the cusp of going out but haven't quite got over the fear, you should take this missive as perhaps that little bit of encouragement you need. No one will be looking at you while they are last-minute Christmas shopping.


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 1188

@rebeccabaxter So true Becca!   This is great encouragement for those who have been hesitant to get out to open themselves up to the world.   I came to the same realization myself the first time I went to a mall and didn't even get a second glance.   The only thing that happened was a sales associate complemented my booties! 

If I was in your place that day, I would have had a hard time not getting my nose pierced too.  I think that looks so cute!!

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1270

@lauren114 I have my ears pierced and that's all. The only piercing I'd get in addition, is another set of ear lobe piercings. I do have tatoos though, I like tattoos; tasteful, but hideable ones.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2144

@rebeccabaxter I think the idea that for the most part no one cares, many don't even notice. 

I went out for a walk to my local Post Office yesterday just before sunset. It is about half a mile in a small town. Just after stopping at the P O I was starting to walk home, the very next building was the library, as I was walking a little further down someone pops out of the library yelling 'hey, Cassie '. It was friend of my daughter who knows all about me. We went into the library and had a nice conversation including the librarian who is the wife of my old boss from Target.  It went so well. Cassie 


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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 731

@robinetteebeccabaxter I had the same experience last year at a very crowded mall in Orlando.  At first I was petrified even to the point of thinking I wasn’t going to do this.  But, it was truly amazing as you have noted, no one either noticed or cared.  The longer I was there, the more confident I got.  Then after that it really didn’t seem to be a big deal anymore.  My thought is that most of us try to go out to places where we are in the company of very few people, but in reality, the more people there are, the more visual distraction there is and the less chance there is that anyone will notice you.  

So, I say get out there and do your holiday shopping!

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Trusted Member     GTA, Ontario, Canada
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So true.

I remember the first few times I went out. Walking around with my head down to avoid being looked at.

Then one day I am on public transportation a bus and it was packed. I when I looked around I noticed everyone was going about their day.

Go out and enjoy yourself.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter It's true. Many girls spend their time fretting about how everyone will be staring. I'm often telling them they'll more likely be disappointed by how many people can't be arsed to even notice them after all the effort they made! lol

Glad you had a nice day out with the Mrs! 🙂

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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To be honest, that is one of the annoying things about crossdressing. 

To be clear, crossdressing is still out there, unusual, contrary to norms, maybe even anti-social in its own way.

The indifference is deafening. Most people don't even see us and, when they do, I find most just ignore my doing something odd, such as painting my nails or having some sort of bumps on my chest. It's rare to get feedback.

That's good in it's own way, if we want to hide, but some girls wants to be noticed, too. I guess we can't always have it both ways. 😋

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1270

@harriette Oh, I think getting noticed is pretty easy; a tight leather mini skirt and skyscraper heels would get me all the looks I could handle (and probably not in a good way with my legs). It is rather easier to get noticed than to NOT get noticed--which is what I try to do. My cross-dressing in public is for fun. It's hiding in plain sight, like a spy perhaps, a disguise, but not for nefarious purposes, just for the fun of doing it.

Once in a while, I'd like to be noticed for my dress sense as I think I look pretty good, but perhaps that's only going to happen in the company of like-minded people, afterall, I see a lot of well-dressed women, and men, but I don't go up to them and tell them. I have commented on a woman's hair before now, usually if it is a bright colour.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3977

Posted by: @rebeccabaxter

It is rather easier to get noticed than to NOT get noticed--which is what I try to do. My cross-dressing in public is for fun. It's hiding in plain sight, like a spy perhaps, a disguise, but not for nefarious purposes, just for the fun of doing it.

Once in a while, I'd like to be noticed for my dress sense as I think I look pretty good

That is sort of my take on crossdressing, too.

I try to hide in plain sight, too, but some things that I do now are not hiding. Something like a miniskirt and heels are for a home, for now. But, in public, bold nail polish colours aren't all that quiet.

I am just a bit surprised as to how quiet everyone is about that.


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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

My wife was very nervous about me being out and about. I've evening I suggested that we visit a supermarket further away than there one we normally use. One where neighbours are not likely to see us. I had been out quite a few times, and wasn't nervous. My wife's wasn't so sure. We decided that if push the trolley around and she would walk a little behind me with a basket observing what others did. We did it shopping, paid, and returned to the car. I asked her how she felt. She said that she noticed that I've it two had a second look, but generally no one cared. No one pointed. No one shouted abuse. This gave her confidence that I would be safe out and about. 

When then planned a trip into town. A full day shopping in the city centre. Again she observed. She saw no problems. This was a major step into my wife being confident enough for me to finally stop hiding and come out entirely and not be a secret anymore. 

I knew that others would pay little attention and that those that did, wouldn't do anything negative. My wife needed convincing. 

The more you get out, the less nervous you get. Just be a little warned that a very small few might pass comment. 



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