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Hi Girls xx
Just a short post reflecting on a really nice few hours out shopping this weekend.
Even though I wasn't dressed as Isabel (due to fitting it in-between work commitments), I was fully Isabel inside and I didn't feel out of place at all - I mean its not the first time I've been shopping for Isabel when not dressed as her - but the inner peace I felt this time when carefully selecting some new lingerie was definitely a first! Carefully checking sizes and styles and trying to land in a place of maximum girliness with a level of practicality. I think its fair to say though, the girliness won out though, hands down! Especially with a new bra I came across 🙂 🙂
The best part of the afternoon was when I went into Boots and up to the cosmetics floor. I have been using odd bits of make-up here and there, experimenting as you do. Well I had decided it was time Isabel upped her game on this front!
So I walked up to the girl running that part of the store and patiently explained what I was looking for and why. She kindly sat me down, did skin colour checks and talked me through all sorts of options, made recommendations and tried products on me. Never for a moment did she hesitate or do a double-take at what she was doing. She complemented me on my skin - I am a long-time user of moisturiser but I assume she was just being kind. And when we had done, circa half an hour later, she said whoever my partner or boyfriend was, they would most definitely like this look! I just smiled (a lot). And I still am.
I guess my point is, don't let the lack of an 'Outer Girl' look prevent you from doing things. If the 'Inner Girl' is happy, that is a great thing and it should be treasured and celebrated.
As to what and when I might be wearing these new purchases, that may or may not be a story for another day!
Isabel x
What a lovely way to spend the day Isabel. Thank you for sharing honey xx.
What a lovely day, and yes, it is fun to allow your inner femme loose even when your outer look is constrained. I have had a few nake overs and the MUAs are always wonderful and don't care whether our inner or outer femme is presented. They just are in the buisness ti provide make up and advice and most are happy to provide that regardless of gender or presentaion.
Isabel -
What a lovely day for you. Hope you have more like it in the future.