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Shopping at Soma with my wife.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Hi Everyone !

Those who don't know my wife knows about my panty wearing and she has painted my toe nails and a little over a week ago I had my first mani-pedi with her at her usual nail salon. She doesn't know about my skirts, booties, bralettes or my growing femme side at this time.

My wife purchased a couple of Soma bras online and was disappointed that they didn't fit when they were delivered. She asked me if I wanted to go with her when she returned them at the store. Of course I said yes.

I went to Soma with my wife once before almost a year ago. The sales people were nice but I was a little nervous. I allowed it to appear that everything was for my wife as far as the staff was concerned. My wife only picked out thongs while I selected a few bikinis and hipsters. Again the sales people thought everything was for my wife. That was last year.

This time we went into the store.  There were two young sales staff and one customer. My wife and I started browsing. I made sure to feel the wonderful and beautiful fabrics of the nightgowns, sleep shirts and pajamas. I made sure to make comments to how soft and pretty they were to my wife.

After a while we started browsing the panty section. I knew the Vanishing edge panties were on sale buy 3 get 3 free and many other panties were on sale 6 pair for 36 and I really wanted to walk out with 6 of each.

They had a very limited supply on the tables of XL so I started opening the drawers under the table searching the rest of their stock. By this time my wife drifted to the counter to discuss her return. By now two other ladies had entered the store to shop.

One sales clerk was talking to my wife and the other seemed to rush over to help me. What's funny is she seemed nervous. I wasn't.

She asked how she could help and I said "Hi, I think these are lovely but you have a lot of solid colors out, I think the prints are much prettier so I want prints in extra large".

She tried to accomodate me but I only found two pair of the Vanishing edge panties with prints I wanted and 3 pair of cotton hipsters I liked. I told her "I'm sorry but this just won't do. I'll have to shop online to get the ones I like in the sizes I want"

One of the lady customers was looking at me like I was a weirdo. I didn't care. She didn't say anything. The other lady didn't seem to notice.

The sales clerk was very nice even though I think I might have been her first male panty customer.

I call it a win and progress.

Hugs to all


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Hi Autumn, Since I embraced my femme side, I've had a few similar experiences. Things which used to make me nervous are now in the "fun" category.

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Hi Autumn,
<p style="text-align: left;">Congratulations for win.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"></p>

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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I think its hilarious when the sales people are more nervous than we are, and it seems to make us just a bit more couageous.

A win for sure, and hope you get what you 'need' online.

Hugs, Olivia

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Good for you. Gaining confidence is awesome. Mine ebbs and flows. My wife has got a lot more accepting but could never go panty shopping with me. There will always be people that look at someone else as weird.  We need to focus on us and people that are nice. Most sales people are a lot nicer than we expect glad you had a win.

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When I was 13 I began buying my own pantyhose. There was a woman at the store who used to ask me what I was going to buy for my mother. She would tell me my mother would like the pantyhose I was choosing. She also told me they were the right size. I wondered how she knew that. If she knew my mother, then she should know, these pantyhose would be too large for her. They were my size, not my mom's. Then when I decided what I wanted, she took the pantyhose packages to the register, rand them up, put them in a bag and handed them to me.

When ever she saw me in the store she would ask how mom liked the pantyhose. Does she want more of the same thing or would like to try something else. It wasn't for several years later I realized she was on to me and was helping me be discreet. That was nice of her but not necessary.

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Active Member     Georgia, United States of America
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Hi Autumn, that's one of my favorite stores.  My wife allows me to wear panties but she draws the line there and doesn't know about my crossdressing side.  Fortunately she luvs the store too and a sales associate recognizes me and will whisper if I am looking too or if I am there by myself ,  is this for her or me.  Sure wish I could tip her, she is so sweet.



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Hi Autumn , wonderful experience & progress 😊, how good does it feel !!  Who cares what the bystanders hear or see , really happy for you 👏🙌👏🙌

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Liv I got a little more than I needed....

6 pair of vanishing edge and 11 pair of 6 for 6. Worked out to 9 pair of bikini, 6 pair of hipsters, 1 boyshort. Quite a few were pink or floral with pink mixed in. With a 20% off cost code the 17 panties came out to almost an even 100usd. 🙂



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Thanks for sharing Autumn.  That is a great story and you did win and I am sure you will next time as well.


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