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Although fairly new to CD I have amassed quite a wardrobe, almost exclusively from in-store purchases. I found it to be like the stories of theives walking out of sears with a t.v., if you appear be doing nothing out the ordinary people accept it or hardly notice. All this in my small community where i have to otherwise be very careful. I have shopped in both superstores and clothing boutiques, always presenting as male....so far lol, mostly alone but sometimes with my SO. The more confident I appear the easier it goes. I don't rush through it, just browse, remove items from racks to look or check size and have even tried things on and asked for assistance finding items. All with my head up! Most of the salespeople, even the younger ones are quite professional and some recognize me as a regular and I am sure suspect the things are for me. There have been a few sideways looks from other patrons but if i pay them no mind they move on.
Olivia you are SOOO right! Just be natural and nobody cares. I regularly shop, club, dine and live as a woman when on the road and have never had a bad time. I am treated just like any other woman out doing my thing. Enjoy life and don’t worry about what others think and we will all be much happier.
Stores are there to sell and make a profit. And on their till never separate sales made to their female customers from the one they make from “men who are buying dresses for themselves” 🙂
if you look all nervous when at a store, they will pay much more attention because they may think that you are shoplifting than anything else.
When I’m shopping as a guy and a sales lady asks me “can I help you?” I normally answer “not right now, thank you, but maybe later”. And then if I find something I like but can’t find it in my size then I have no problem asking for help.
True, very few have “issues” with the community, but at least on large department stores they have training an a sale is a sale so they can’t afford to be biased towards customers.
The only advice... be nice to them. Retail is not a fun job, and they will always react better to a polite customer.
Olivia at first i was nervous shopping in drab at a ladies clothing store.
as the years have flown by, i realize nobody really cares and i am always
open with the sales lady's that the items are for me. i even have enrolled in
loyalty programs from such stores as Pennington's and Addition Elle
just walk into the store with your head held high and shop to you drop
or at least run out of money.
yup, shop all the time now in hybrid dress mode. no one seems to care or notice.
I started shopping in stores back in 1981 at age 21.Mostly bought just pantyhose/tights for msny years.I was very nervous im the early years. I was convinced that the Sales Assistants knew that the hosiery was for me and I thought they tegarded me as a pervert.With time I got more and more confident and realised that the assistants do not really care if the items are for me or not.
I am more nervous shopping dressed than shopping as a guy. Guys shop for their wives. Dressed I don't want to get clocked or get weird looks. The last few times have been great, no 2nd glances at all, even from small kids who always seem to give a little stare. Trying on shoes dressed is wonderful, I don't try on clothes because with a wig it is more difficult to change out of what I'm wearing. Although I have a plan to wear a button down shirt and skirt the next time and try on a dress.
Happy to shop in store in both "modes", tho of course as Caty is much more fun and at least for me more relaxing. Still a touch nervous in male mode around items like dresses and make up, but lingerie, perfume etc, very easy "for the wife" .
I still giggle about the time I went into a lingerie store, nominated my bra and panty size and the assistant went straight for the "full briefs". She obviously guessed that I needed "extra support".
this topic made me grin 🙂 . for me you can liken it to buying a packet of condoms from the chemist, trying to build up the courage to pick them, take them to the counter, quickly pay, then bolt through the door! omg! actually its not too bad now, I can go in clothes stores (with wife) and at first it does seem, for me anyway, like people are watching me as I look through the various garments. in reality though, nobody really cares, its just my guilty feelings knowing full well the clothes are for me but other people dont know that do they? they could be for my wife of course! I really do look too deeply into things at times and if I could just relax more, maybe just maybe I might enjoy it more shopping for clothes rather than looking at it like i'm going to my doom!
fiona xxx
lol Caty, I now find shopping is stores to be alot of fun. My bum is the part that dosen't need extra. Thongs are my fave!
😎😁😈 I went shopping today, it was great. Yep none of the other gals are worried about what I was doing. Hard to miss my 6' 5" self.
I sometimes have a 🍺 to get the liquid courage going.
I'm probably not the majority here but I much prefer shopping en femme. Partly it is because I really like to try on clothes before buying them, otherwise buying girls' clothes by size alone is such a crap shoot. But more because I really like to spend my time browsing etc and what guy do you know spends inordinate amounts of time browsing for their wife/gf? It always makes me so self-conscious, and whenever I checkout (in the couple of times I shopped as a guy) I always get the "Is that for you or someone else" question for some weird reason lol.
Hey Sassy, the reversal is kinda hilarious. You're brave enough to shop en femme while I'm nowhere near and yet you are self concious when shopping as male while I spend forever and enjoy every minute. We both end up getting our favorite outfits to make us feel fabulous. Cheers to us girls 💋
I have just recently built up the never to shop in stores. Heels, a few tops, bra and panties. Each time I feel like my heart is going to beat through my chest❤️ Partly from the excitement of the purchase but also the nervousness of being “watched”. The process has given me courage along the way and reinforces what I feel inside and the need to express it outwardly. 😘
Though I have bought items online and generally need to buy bras online, I much prefer to shop in person. The fun of shopping for me is trying on the items. That experience just does exist with online shopping. Besides, I hate having to return purchases, and online returns are the worse. That being said, I have nothing, but great experiences with both salespersons and my fellow patrons. If any patron has had an issuse, she has not expressed it in my direction.
MacKenzie Alexandra