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Hello everybody as I mentioned before I fully came out to my wife when I was 28, I am now 31. my wife within this year finally accepted my dressing, she loves me very much and is an amazing person. so far I have been out of the house 4 times fully dressed with her, ever since she’s been more accepting I have been doing a ton of shopping from Amazon torrid and fashion nova. and I own like five pairs of heels, and I officially lost count of how many dresses and skirts I own lol. The first few times I got dressed I really wanted to take pictures and post them online here, but I am afraid because I have a cloud on my phone and I don’t want any of the pictures to be shared around the house with the kids lol. I also got my pedicure done French style. everything’s been so amazing, But whenever I get free time I find myself online shopping for women’s clothes. my wife even jokingly said that I have a better wardrobe than her lol. but she did mention that I’m neglecting my male side but I told her that Emma’s been locked away so long jest making up for lost time.
That’s awesome you have an accepting wife. I was never able to come out with mine. We divorced 15 years ago for reasons not related to dressing. I knew I could never come out to her because she’s was very very closed minded. Not suppressing you have s nicer wardrobe when I look around at what many women are wearing they seek to dress quite drab. They don’t know how lucky they are to be able to wear so many different types of clothing.
Hi Emma,
Please Take this from a voice of experience,
And not in a negative way or a downer.
Its very easy to get caught up in the pink fog.
Just don't forget that fabulous wife you have.
Make sure you take her out shopping and get her some nice things.
and neglecting your male side may mean she needs your male side .
It may not be what she is saying but please take it into consideration.
I got so caught up in the pink fog I forgot about the one who loves me the most.
And I almost lost her.
Don't lose that wonderful Lady
I am so happy for you pink fog joy
Love Patty
That’s what I said too I see so many girls dressed so plane and and flat shoes. I love dressing up pretty and elegant. I see the flat shoes some time but I love heels
Hi Emma.My wife started to become accepting three years ago.At first she just bought my clothes for me.We had an arrangement where I dressed as Roberta only when she was out of the house.As time went on her acceptance accelerated in leaps and bounds.She would indulge me by buying more and more female clothes for me.Emma like you the size of my wsrdrobe increased.When I was closeted I probably had about five skirts and one dress.These days I have about fifty skirts,eight dresses,countless tops,blouses,approximately twenty items of ladies footwear and hundreds of pairs of tights/pantyhose.As Iwe both took voluntary redunancy from our jobs a few years back,I dress as Roberta about four or five days a week.I keep saying to my wife that out of respect to her I should take the odd day off from dressing and become a guy again.She says she is fine for me to be a girl whenever I like.This is so typical of her unselfish disposition and kind heart.The odd day or two I will dress in male mode just so she can see the man she married.The rest of the time it's as if there are two women in the house.She compliments me on how I look.She said that the top and skirt I wore on Sunday was very girly.And today she said that my the female clothes I wear are always tasteful.I do owe her an awful lot.I am eternally greatful for all she is doing to nurture my female side.
Hopefully you and the wife can have fun with it like being girlfriends.
It's not exactly a spree, but it has been a steady trickle over the past 2 weeks: a new wig, denim skirt, a top, slacks, 3 bras, a cardigan, and today I ordered a 6-pack of knee-high socks. I should try to kick the sock habit, I know, but my feet get cold, even in warm weather, and they freeze when in a room with A/C. AND I'm shopping around for turtleneck tops (sleeve and sleeveless), and a ladies' jean jacket to replace my guy version.
A spreelet (is there such a word?) is planned when my wife and I attend the International Gem & Jewelry Show next month.
Forecast calls for Pink Fog!!