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Simple pleasures

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

Hello lovelies,

I had a shave yesterday.

No, not just a face shave. I'd been very neglectful of late and although I'm lucky to be not a very hairy person, I've put up with ever hairier legs and arms and chest. Part of my problem was that for the second time, I've lost the charger lead for my replacement epilator. This time I accepted it was lost for good.

So yesterday I had a super soak in a bubble filled bath, and returned to a good old fashioned razor. Clive Myrie was on the radio telling me about his desert island discs (sorry, that part might not make sense to non UK girls) , and I just zoned out. No rush , no impatience, just gently scraping away - even bits I'm quite wary of putting a blade near to.

The net result, an instant boost to my 'feel good' meter reading ! It feels so nice to be bodily hairless. Not only that, but after a shower my actual long hair behaved itself for once, and I sprayed it to death, so much so it coped with a walk out with a friend and his dogs on a small welsh mountain top. 

Simple pleasures 🙂

eM xxx

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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First time I shaved my legs, I did so in the bath (now sadly gone in favour of a big shower area) and I remember it took me ages.

I began using wax strips a few months ago and I love the longevity of hairlessness they give. Also, the hair is now patchy so there's less to do but I'm thinking that I'll go and get them done in a salon next time, see what results I get from that.

There is nothing like slipping a pair of real nylons onto freshly waxed and smooth legs. 😊

Allie x

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@emmat The first time I shaved my legs, it took an hour per leg to get it all off. Since then regular maintenance keeps them smooth, with an extra shave on an Anna day. It's such a fabulous feeling isn't it?

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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Hi Anna,

I think the secret seems to be to take your time. There's no point trying to rush it.

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@emmat  OK with most of my body hair but how do you do the scrotum? I always end up with a few painful, bloody nicks. Best, Marlene. PS I have very happy memories of small Welsh mountains.

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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Hi Marlene,

The only answer to that is with 'extreme care' . I keep things stretched taut and just don't rush it. 


Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Kingsport, Tennessee, United States of America
Posts: 321

@emmat Love my epilator, after 4 yr use my leg, chest, and under arms is about 70% gone, summer I have just enough hair that my kids don't realize.


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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
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@emmat Yes simple pleasures come from things like this. I still love a bubble bath and body shave followed by rinsing off in the shower and applying lotion. Makes me feel girlie and lifts our spirits. what a divine feeling

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Yes, it certainly does feel good to be hairless, Emma, but getting there can be quite a chore, for some of us. 😬

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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

Agreed Harriette. We're all lucky, but not always in the same ways  😉

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Estimable Member     Dallas, Texas, United States of America
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I've used various methods over the last couple of years and settled for an epilator as my main method for hair removal. I first started using it about six months ago. Just before taking my first shot at it, I waxed my entire body (took a long time, a few tries over a few days, and quite a bit of pain). I was hair-free for about a week before the first strands started showing up. I waited until they grew to about 5mm before using the epilator. It was extremely painful, but I stuck to the task and got through it. Today, my arms and legs stay pretty much hairless. I use the epilator for about 10min every couple of days to remove the growth, and it isn't as painful anymore. I also use it on my chest, groin area and underarms, but not as often. The pain level is quite high and I still haven't gotten used to it as yet, so I'm taking it slow. Hopefully, I'll get there and can stop using the razor.

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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I've been quite impressed by epilation. It can be somewhat painful, but it always seemed to me you do get used to it - and / or each time you use it, there's less hairs to snag, And it does seem to be longer lasting.

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Estimable Member     Dallas, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 47

@emmat You're absolutely right. It gets less painful the more you use it, and it takes longer for the hair to grow. The only problem that I have is that it leaves "strawberry legs" - those little dark spots. I'm hoping that over time even those will disappear. I've read that if you exfoliate and moisturize then those would disappear, but so far I see very little change. I guess time will tell.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I'm always smooth these days, except when we have 3 weeks with the in-laws and I have to be in drab. This means that when we get home I've probably got about 5 to 6 weeks-worth of fine leg stubble. Eugh!

The plus-side of this @emmat is that I get to enjoy that newly-shaved feeling as I put on a pair of sheer nylons as I get back into my 'proper' clothes 🙂

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Eminent Member     Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
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Usually whenever I try shaving, about 1-2 weeks later I get a lot of red bumps on my inner thighs. When my hairs stand on end I have to find a happy place in my mind until the sensation passes.

I have tried mosturizing and exfoliating but it doesn't seem to help much.

I found epilating to be less likely to cause irritation if I am able to stick with it. However, lately I have been finding that the hairs often break off rather than being pulled out to I don't get a very long hair free experience.

Most recently I have been trying to get back into sugar waxing. With slightly longer hairs I think it does a pretty good job of pulling the root out. You can definitely see the root poking out. I have tried this a lot in the past, but now I think I have the preparation procedure and technique down and have had a much better experience than I ever have before.

That's great that you were able to get back into the ritual of shaving so quickly. I love the feeling of being smooth. Once I get through the latest round of hair removal I'm hoping to do some outings this summer if I can find some safe spaces for it. I tried my wig on this morning and felt more femme than I have in a long time.


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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Posts: 300


Thanks Lauren, I've never come across this, I'll put it on my list to try. 

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Trusted Member     Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
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That sounds awful. I was getting a lot of bumps on my belly and pubic hair area and switched to a meridian hair trimmer which has a special guard to prevent bumps and burns. It doesn't get you as close as a razer but I can hardly tell in the mirror. Saved me a lot of pain.

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Reputable Member     Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
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Million dollar question, never had the nerve to epilate that dangling area. If it’s possible, please share the secret. Katie

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

Hi Katie,

- I don't have access to that secret 😉 A razor, yes, but I wouldn't use an epilator down there.

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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
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Simple pleasure is that like tonight I put on some nails and jewelry and I’m good to roll.   Just love my fingers with nails and rings.  Always makes me feel more feminine 

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Estimable Member     Leominster, Massachusetts, United States of America
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 I used Nair the last time I removed my body hair because the time before I shaved and I gave myself some nasty cuts. And filled up about a dozen disposable razors in the process. Cut myself where it really hurts too. And I'm on a blood thinner so it was hard to stop all the bleeding. 

 But Nair is very caustic and it gave me a rash on my chest and also where it hurts the most. 

 I do agree that the results are well worth it, at least they were for me after I was able to stop the bleeding. Wearing lingerie and hose over bare smooth skin feels SO wonderful. And at the risk of seeming conceited, my legs look great. 

 Sometimes simple is better if you don't have time or energy to give yourself The Works. Tonight was that kind of night, so I threw on a pair of panties, a bra (with "the girls"), one of my denim skirts with a tee top, and a few accessories and called it good. Skip the wig, nails, and makeup. Less cleanup afterwards. 

 I've been keeping my toenails painted, too, that's simple enough to do. 

 It seems like most of us can't stay feminine all the time, which is true in my case. But these simple things can help keep us going bonkers from withdrawal. 


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Trusted Member     San Jose, California, United States of America
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I've been shaving my torso for the past twenty some years. I recently added in my legs due to being winter and not wearing shorts. I'm not really very hairy to begin with. A four blade Bic in the shower with body wash and I'm good to go in a few minutes. This is daily ritual . Being all over smooth is the best!

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Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
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Oh yes Emma shaving my legs is definitely feminine feeling!! I started doing it right after I started dating my boyfriend so I could present more feminine to him in that way. And there is nothing like shaving, taking a hot shower or bath and then slipping into romantic lingerie for bedtime. SOOOO feminine feeling. To die for.

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Honorable Member     Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
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I use “Magic” brand shavorless creme and it works great (I get it at Walgreens, but you can find it just about anywhere).  I use it for waist to mid-thigh area to remove hair without the painful & uncomfortable red bumps.  It was designed for men’s faces and to do bald head. 

Some reviews warn against irritation, and I suppose there may be a bit of that if you skin is sensitive.  I’ve had some uncomfortable stinging when I used this later in the day after a long run… apparently had more taint-chafe than I realized.  It subsided and was relieved a bit by wearing lightweight satin panties & some hose.  
Anyway, this is the product I use and it works marvelously - even on the naughty bits.  Keep it out of holes.  Rinse well & take a shower after.  Smoothest I have ever been and my wife LOVES the result!

I still do traditional shaving on lower legs, chest, face, & pits.  Those areas don’t get the bumps.



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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

Thanks Philma. I'm not a big fan of e.g. Veet or Nair, but I might try this formulation - other reviews seem positive too - I'll put it on my to do list. 


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