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Hi Ladies!
Last fall after meeting Liz K and a handful of other CD's in Palm Springs for the Halloween gathering, I ended up having a life-changing realization. I no longer identify as a part-time CD... I am excited to share that I am a proud Transgender woman!
During the past 7 months I began my gender transition, first socially, which started with my partner and children, friends, family (parents and siblings), then work. Soon after announcing my transition at work I started HRT with the assistance of an endocrinologist. The amount of change in my life has been significant, but I can confirm that for the first time in my adult life am truly happy. With few exceptions I have been greeted by friends, family, and coworkers with open arms. The core acceptance by others, and guidance of my therapist, have certainly made my gender transition easier.
I am not a different person - quite the opposite - I now have capacity to live my truth with the world, and it is very liberating. The feelings of listlessness and depression have eased. I have shown interest in activities again and am no longer 'angry'.
Some of you may remember nearly a year ago when I was afraid to leave my home. Frankly, for years I was being suppressed by my anxiety which was telling me I wasn't Transgender. That I couldn't be. These intrusive thoughts were hamstringing me from exploring my gender at a much younger age. While I wish I could have embraced my gender identity at a much younger age, I will never discount my lived experiences regardless of my gender presentation. That said, I am still working through trauma from my youth, but each layer I break through I become a stronger person.
In honor of PRIDE month, I wanted to share this news with you all.
Hugs and Joy!
Thank you for sharing Natalie. This is very exciting to read. I hope you continue in your forward movement.
Congratulations Natalie!
Congratulations, Natalie. I am glad for you.
How utterly amazing, what a journey. Congratulations and may your future be full of love and acceptance.
How wonderful for you. I'm so happy that you are finding peace in your life after so many years without it.
Natalie -
How wonderful for you. Thank you for sharing your story.
Best of luck as you continue your journey. May you continue to receive Love and acceptance.
Natalie, I am so happy for you, it is so wonderful to read such joyous news. Of course you would have loved this earlier in life but things contrive to thwart it although the feelings are there, it wasn't the right time.
No matter how late in life it was meant to be as this is the right time as you have the support around you so now can go full on and make up for lost time to be the wonderful woman you are.
You are an inspiration.
Big hugs
Wonderful news, Natalie! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing. You must be over the moon!
Much hugs
Natalie, this is such joyful news to read, congratulations! And thank you for writing such inspiring words, to remind us all that the answer that you couldn't believe could be the right one, can be 🙂
Fiona xxx
Natalie, truly happy for you. At this point I can only imagine the joy of living authentically. I have be aware for years that at heart I am a woman. Then last December I embraced the reality that indeed I am trans. But to make that mental break through that stands between me and my own. full time womanhood is not something I have been able to do.
If I can't be the woman I am I want to be able to enthusiastically support those who can and go choose to finally be authentic.
Hugs my sister.
Congratulations Natalie!!
You are now embarking on a truly thrilling, interesting and fulfilling part of your life. I wish you the best and hope that you find, as I have, that living life as a woman is indeed a very pleasant way to lead one's life.
Natalie, Thanks for telling your story. I"ve been leaning more and more towards living fulltime as Stacey and hearing other people's stories help encourage me.
Congratulations on finding your way to yourself, Natalie! It takes courage to listen to your heart when so much in life is trying to tell you different. I wish you the best as you expand into the adventure of life as the complete woman you are!
Natalie, I wish you a wondrous congratulations! And I can tell you that there truly is nothing like what you are now doing, living as the woman you most likely always knew about. I've been living as a woman for over two years now and it has been the most wonderful time of my life. I transitioned at work, and similar to your story, was welcomed with very open arms, and lots of hugs. I am quite fortunate in that I easily pass as a woman and can speak in a feminine voice. This has definitely made my life into a dream come true!
Oh my! You are going to have such amazing moments of glorious rapture, like nothing you've ever experienced! We look forward to hearing more of your beautiful adventure into womanhood!
Ms. Lauren M