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Today 10th March was ( https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/skirt-day/ ) "Skirt Day". Did you take advantage of the oppertunity?
I did, I decided to don a "just below the knee" PU leather effect skirt and black opaque tights with a nice blue silvery striped top. Well the truth be told It was all in my head, sorry; I would have liked to but as it's Mothers Day (UK) I didn't want to push my wishes on her day (weekend).
But I hope others had oppertunties without upsetting their SO's. Please tell all.
I missed that! As it was Mothers day it was a polka dot dress for the day. However I have put on a short skirt for my exercise tonight so that saved the day..
Happy skirt day to all the ladies out there.
sounds like a great outfit Elaine, perhaps tomorrow.?
I wore a new gym skirt with a Lycra top girly gym shoes and a sports bra most of today, trying to inspire myself to do some exercises in preparation for the summer and to look good in the summer dresses I bought yesterday with my wife.
but the call of Belgian chocolates was stronger than the shouts from the exercise bike!
Still it was ver comfortable in my new gym skirt!
Well. I didn't know but I have tried on two skirts this morning with a lavender blouse. The first is a black leather skater miniskirt and the second was a grey leopard flowing midiskirt. I was wearing a fishnet panty hose. I love them. Plus I try a new one piece swimsuit.
Happy skirt day ladies!
I cannot say that I took the opportunity to wear a skirt today. I did, however, relax through the morning and the evening wearing a knit cowl neck dress. I find this particular dres very comfortable for a cozy and relaxing day at home.
A skirt, however, would have been nice and appropriate for my bowling tournament this afternoon. Alas, it was not to be as I was bowling with a good friend who is not aware, and would not be the most supportive.
MacKenzie Alexandra
That oppertunity would have been nice if your freind understood how we feel. Best wishes.
Happy skirt day ladies!
And a very happy Mother’s Day to our UK sisters! Mother’s Day is celebrated here in the United States in May.
I had no idea. Good thing my dress for today has one.
I missed this one since I can't dress at weekends 🙁
But I'll do my best to make up for it tomorrow 🙂
Happy Skirt Day Elaine,
I missed it again, it would have been better if it was on Tuesday, I've got 4 days to myself this week so i could have my skirt day on Tuesday,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
So annoying. Its good to have an excuse to indulge
I also missed this one, but I don’t often get to dress at weekends.
Definitely a skirt tomorrow though
I missed out today.. but I'll make up for it next week. Thursday & Saturday will be skirt nights. Friday, a dress, dinner with the girls that night.