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hi girls, its that fiona again!! ok skirts! I must admit they are my favourite type of clothing. I spend more time choosing these than any other type of clothing I own. but whats your favourite type, colour and length? I wear age appropriate ones, because as you all must know by now, I am a teen girl. short skirts are a must with studs, zips etc on them. I do prefer patterned types, but will also wear plain too. A-line skirts are my favourite although I do own pencil skirts too.
so the question today is what skirts do you prefer and why?
fiona xxxx
I'm happy to hear others like the 50's look. My dressing started in the mid 50's and with the help of my loving sister and some of her friends I inherited A horde of skirts dresses petticoats as well al the other neat things girls wear. I still love the 5o's look I still have A poodle skirt and several petticoats as well as some fancy lacey panties, and still love all those vintage clothes . I also love Pendleton plaid wool skirts, as for dresses soft velvet is my favorite.
Mini bodycon (leather or not) Why? Idk. Goes with anything, shows off my butt and legs, makes my legs look longer.
<p style="text-align: left;">Pencil skirt gal here. Love them.</p>
I like a variety of skirts, A line,pencil,midi,floral print.I like a short length but it has to be below the knee for me now that I am in my late fifties.Always wear tights with my skkrts,either black opaaue or natural.Currently I have thirty nine skirts in my wardrobe.My wife who is fully supporting of my feminine side will be buying me some skirts for Christmas.
I love the 50s look too, but prefer above the knee skirts as I have shapely calves.
I prticularly like flared skirts that catch the breeze but wouldn't wear one on a windy day!
Also work skirts - I like a smart work look, and the typical skirt that gives a nice shape to the hip area makes me feel business like in a really feminine way. I do all business related calls dressed this way as it makes me feel on point but in a manner that comes across as relaxed. I've been complimented on my telephone style too often to rule it out as coincindence!
I have a couple of short skirts, and love the swish of a long skirt... too many to choose from.
Never really tried a seriously mini skirt - my legs are good (with opaque tights to hide the varicose!), so will try one in the new year.
Nice topic, Fiona!
I have a fair amount of everything. At 71 my legs are still very nice looking so I can wear minis. I have some semi-formal maxi's that I wear for Christmas and New Years and other special occasions. I have a couple of skater Dress also. I have all different colors but blue and green are my favorite.
Vicke E
Hey Fiona,
Big fan of the A line skirt and Pencil skirt. But then again, I just think skirts are a lot of fun. So many combinations with blouses, sweaters, etc.
Have always loved pencil, a line, and flare but have mostly had pencil with a few exceptions. Am starting to get into an A line mood but my wardrobe has gotten too big so I may need to get rid of a few pencil skirts.
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oh! bobbi, that had me in stitches! 'looking like a turnip' lol. I have to admit I am not keen on long denim skirts or indeed, long skirts in general. I like to show a bit of leg, whether that's right or wrong, I prefer it that way.
love fiona xxx
Hi Fiona,
I am not as brave as you...I wear a hemline just above the knee, I feel more feminine in that ..
I do enjoy skirts, I like 'A' line, straight & specially flowy skirts so nice to feel the gentle breeze slightly move the skirt again ones legs as you walk...I love many colors depends on the outfit I wear...mood, weather & location..
I enjoy the gentle fabric and styles.
I have a thing for Denim Mini skirts, bare leg and ankle boots
i have a few Denim Mini’s, posted a couple of pictures in public photos of them.
have a couple of really nice dresses as well but will opt for a mini and top most of the time, have moved away from stockings or tights with the mini in favour of bare leg
Well for this girl skirts have always been my favorite over dresses . More options with mixing and matching skirts and tops ... and with a smallish wardrobe optionality is key. My style is office/professional ... most of my skirts are knee length .. a few a mid length . I prefer pencil skirts and pleated of fan fold type mids .. I prefer floral or patterns over solid colors .. but have both. This summer I bought my first denim skirt.. it’s just above the knee and I love it with a simple t or a sleeveless top.. Simply put nothing makes me feel more feminine or girlie than a skirt .