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So today I went shopping and bought some MEN Calvin Kline underwear some under shirts and socks. The underwear are more like woman underwear than men's. They are nylon and spandex they feel like woman's panties just a little bit thicker material. When I saw them I thought to my self I can get away with wearing these there men's. My wife wouldn't think anything of it. So when I come home my wife asked how was your day? You know same questions she always asks when I come home. We chat about the day a little bit and then She sees that I went shopping. She asks so what did you go guy? Not thinking I just responded, " I bought some panties and under shirts." The moment I finished my sentence I froze. I knew I messed up!! There was a brief pause by her I didn't say anything. Then she walked over to my shopping bag and looked at my underwear and then she responded and I quote "These aren't panties but hopefully now you will stop wearing mine since you've bought yourself some PANTIES." After that she walked by me and went to the living room sat down and started watching TV. I still didn't say anything I took my clothes to the room and put them away. She came in the room a few minutes later. She told me she knew I had been wearing her panties for some time. She brought a specific time where she threw 2 pair away because she knew I had been wearing them. (They were my favorite panties) When she threw them away she made a point to let me know . At that point I stopped wearing her panties and would buy my own when I could. She didn't want to know why or how often she just asked that I not wear her panties and If I buy my own she doesn't want to know or see them. I didn't do much talking just listen. I'm sure tomorrow will be an interesting day!!!!
I always felt it was safer and better to have my own clothes, especially panties and pantyhose.
It is funny and NOT FUNNY, how our inner thoutghs and voice even comes out some time, before our brain thinks, its more like our true selves talking.
ALl i can say is this dear, is that the process or journey of her finding out more about your true self has begun it is always hard to start this but in my experience it takes time and patience and communication so give her that and perhaps in it short or maybe long amounts of time she will accept it and then other things will be accepted.
We CDers always think we are so slick and that we put the clothes back just the way we find them but this goes to show you WE DONT!
My wife lost a lot of weight and some of her larger outfits fit me. I have taken a few things from her closet that she will never wear again and keep them with my girl cloths (skinny jeans). Other I have just left there and wear as needed. (An lbd). Some things event though bigger she still wears. (Certain dresses). Lol. But I have more cloths, and soon after my makeover, more cosmetics than she.
So sorry Sammy!
That must have been so awkward! On the upside you have the go ahead to buy your own. That is a plus! I've been wanting to replace all of my underwear with panties, but I have to keep my guy stuff around so it looks like I'm wearing them. Doing laundry is a challenge at times however!
Oops has been called!
Tiff thats too funny in some ways.
I have almost slipped up like that too.
Or just start walking more feminine at work.
One of these days I gonna get caught.
Sammy maybe best to do less talking and more listening for sure until you find out how much un acceptance there is down in that well.
Believe me I know.
I have learned by borrowing some of my SO`s dainties that this really irritates her. She says she has no problem wit me wearing panties, bras and even shorts and tees as long as I have my own. As long as I do not venture out she says it is fine with her for me to dress enfemme. She tells me she actually enjoys it when we act as girlfriends.
Well today my wife brought up the panties and wanted to know more. It was very awkward and I really didn't want to discuss it but we were driving alone in a car and there is no way to get out of that.
She starts off asking "How long have I been wearing her panties". She mentions she has noticed other clothes out of place and wanted to know if I had worn her other clothes. WOW what a tough question. I say yes I have worn your clothes but not often and I told her it weirds me out that I would rather wear my own. She asked why do my panties not weird you out but my clothes do? I told her it makes me feel closer to her when she's not around. (She didn't buy it) If for any other reason I would wear my own. She then asks about the Ross lady. She heard the lady ask me if I wanted her to help me pick out my outfits. I told her that's where I go to buy my clothes and she always rings me up. I also told her I was as surprised she came up to me and asked me that. She had never done that and I was totally embarrassed.
Then she goes into are you gay or bi-sexual and I tell no I have never even considered being with a man. She goes on to want to know why dress like a girl then? I told her I had been doing it since I was very little it started with my sister and just never stopped. She was quite after that for a few minutes and I thought we were done talking about it. She then asks how often do I dress, where do I store my clothes, do I have wig/makeup? She just kept going on and I didn't know what to say. At that point I was very embarrassed and she could tell. She apologized and said this was not her intention she just wanted to know more about what I do and why.
I explained its not easy to talk about. Its been a secret forever and you are the only person I ever discussed this with. She asked if I had gone out and bought any clothes recently or if I still had any of the ones I had bought. I explained I wear them when I can then get rid of them because I never wanted you to find them and think they were another ladies. Then she gets mad that I buy clothes and throw them away because its a waste of money. It got to the point where I asked her " What else do you want to know I'm tired of talking about it. You found my big secret what else is there to know and why do you care about the clothes I have bought?" She responds " I don't care about the clothes you bought or the money you've wasted. I just wanted to know why you do this. I think its very strange but I love you and I want you to be happy." She goes on to say our kids can never find out that it would be to traumatic and she's not going to explain it to them. Also she said if I buy more clothes don't waste money and throw them away just put them up so they are out of the way. Then as were ready to pull up to the house she asks "Will I ever get to see you dressed up?" I told her "I don't know we will have to work towards that, I'm not very comfortable with the conversation nor do I want you to see ma as a woman yet." She said "Fair enough I'll leave it alone for NOW!