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100% ladies deodorant and scented moisturizers for over two years now and don’t plan on ever changing back.
Elizabeth Arden, Green tea Honeydrops body cream for my legs and if dressed then also Bijan Eau de parfum. Aluminium antiperspirant unscented for armpits and sometimes also for my pectoral region which makes my self adhering breastform sit better because there is no sweat underneath them. Other than the above I sometimes use a little Musk oil only for my own pleasure. Never afteshave which I hate because it interferes with the taste of my food when I eat.
I know this is one of the big turnoffs for my SO, but I love the rose and flowery aroma lotions, etc. I've used womans deodorant for a long time now.
I just love the scents. It's part of the feeling of being femme.
just love it!
Love and hugs,