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Smelling like a girl

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

It was not until the past few years when I started going out around others more that I realized how important accessories and perfume are.  Putting a little perfume on my neck and behind my ears after finishing my makeup gives me a girly feeling.  Being on an elevator and knowing that while I may be borderline passable up close I certainly don't smell like a guy.

Finally I must remember that after taking off my makeup that I need to use a washcloth to remove the scent because a guy going to the hotel gym or breakfast should not smell like a girl LOL.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Yes what a wonderful smell perfume is, when fully dressed perfume definitely brings out our girly feelings to a whole different level. They say that  smell can be  very powerful to our senses and for us to enjoy the pleasant smells that    makes our experiences even more exciting. Wear it everyday if I could but do enjoy it when I can. 🌹

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Eminent Member     Denver, Colorado, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I lovely all the girly smells, I wear all the time the perfumed lotions and I love it. What is funny though, is I never get a comment from a male, but almost every lady I come in contact with, says, you smell good, I like that. When I go to Bath and Body works, they always lead me to the mens section, and I just say, you know perfume smells don't bother me and I don't need to smell like a pine tree. I buy my lotions and soaps from them and enjoy my smell

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Nancy.  I love my perfume too! Today....perfume is for everyone including males. Quite a few male fragrances are quite flowery. By the way....if girls want to attract men....bacon scent will do the trick! Personally, I have never had anyone say anything about my scent when I am out as male or female. I use White Diamonds scents by Liz Taylor.

Dame Veronica


Posts: 237
Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Having been a closet dresser for the last 15 years, I never consider perfume. But having return to passing recently, I now realized I need perfume as will as a hand bag, sunglasses and all the other accessories for going out. There goes my credit card bills again!

Posts: 358
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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Amen to that.  Dressing to look good and going out are slightly different and the devil is in the details.  Not that someone will out you for it but it just completes the picture.  Next up, dealing with my man hands and eyebrows LOL.


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