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Sitting here in the Northeast US where we are having out first significant snow storm in a few years got me wondering if any of you ladies go out in the snow and if you have clothes specifically for the snow.
In my case I have a parka that is my everyday winter coat which is good for the snow as well as a pair of snow boots. My boots are like high duck shoes that come up to mid calf and have fur at the top... so cute.
I'm going to stay in today to let the roads clear but tomorrow I'm heading out to take walk in the park and authentically enjoy the winter wonderland!
Here in the U.K. we are having 'wet snow' - we call it rain and being British have many outfits for such weather accessorised with a selection of umbrellas.....
In north east England, where I live, normal female attire for a snowy winter's Friday / Saturday night on the town is a short skirt, a sleeveless top and 5" stillies!
One of my bucket list items is to spend a week in a ski resort en femme. Just the thought shopping for all those beautiful ski clothes makes me giddy.
Up here in Canada camisoles and warm leggings are a staple. We also have insulated snowsuits for really cold days and it is a hoot to wear lingerie, tights and get outdoors.
Hannah, great idea. I saw some pink gloves the other day I almost bought. A walk in the snow in fem sounds very nice.
Here in the great white north, called Canada, we have winter clothes and jackets for two seasons, winter and real winter. Lighter jackets, which is what a lot of people wear and parkas where you feel warm at -30 Celsius, close to the same in Fahrenheit. Same goes for boots. Leggings and tights keep you warm and serve as long underwear, even in drab. With cold weather, the look is less important as the comfort, even if you look like the Michelin man. Dressing for the occasion is dictated by the weather forecast and not how I will look or blend with the crowd. Since I love outdoor activities, I would not trade it for a warmer place.
Hi Lauren,
Northern Vermont can get very cold and snowy this time of year. So one needs to be prepared for an outing. Thanks Lane Bryant for womens winter boots. I’ve several womens coats including an ankle length one. Womens gloves or mittens with glove liners, insulated socks, hats, scarfs, sweaters, tights, and turtlenecks do help.
With the chilly wind you won’t need blush.
Hi Lauren, Here in rural Wisconsin I go out all the time but do have a few mods compared to Summer. I like to go glam on weekends but swap the black hose out for tights. If I'm wearing a long glitzy gown, I just hike it halfway up and secure it with a stretch belt so it doesn't drag in the snow and slush. And while I'm all dressed up in my long wool coat, I usually drive my stick shift Mirage wearing Ugg or snowmobile boots if the snow is deep and carry my heels or knee high leather boots in a bag to the event door. I'm also aware that I might just spin out or get stuck so I have a full snowmobile suit, knit hat, thick hoodie, scarf, flashlight, shovel and 2 pairs of gloves tossed in the back seat ready for use if needed (it's hard to connect a tow strap in a snowbank while wearing heels and a mini skirt). I always have snacks and a full tank of gas, a fully charged phone and windshield fluid (I have snowshoes but haven't worn them in years). I rarely have a winter problem but when I do, it's memorable! Thanks for this seasonal topic. Marg