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So jealous !!!

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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I must add, with a smile. Few weeks ago I decided to attend Sunday mass, it was a cold morning, I decided to wear loose black silk pants and a sleeveless high neck sweater. I know I looked pretty nice, but a few minutes after I sat down here comes a beautiful young woman, she was wearing a beautiful sleeveless sweater white dress, it was just tight enough to show case her natural beautiful body, I was trying my hardest to be discreet as I kept looking over to my right. Concluding, I was so pleased to see such a beautiful woman and wishing to look like her with any or very little make up or making some adjustments to make my figure look more realistic and feminine.

I hope you all enjoy 😘😘😘😘

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Carla

Your outfit sounds wonderful and feminine and I'm sure you looked very nice and fit right in at church. I completely agree that is so pleasant to see and appreciate other women looking nice and stylish. We can take in their beauty and style and learn from them as they navigate life so naturally feminine. 


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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Agree, thank you 😘

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@carlafirst11 I know Carla, being able to go to your chosen Church as your feminine self is so freeing. I have been going to my rural Catholic church as Cassie since September and have been accepted or tolerated?  I have also observed many women  looking how they dressed, shoe,jewelry, makeup and have been jealous and sometimes instructive as to where and how much to push myself. 


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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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Hello Cassie, yes, it is. I go to the down town cathedral in LA, so many people around and really nobody seams to care or better yet, they all look at me and see a woman, love it.

(@Anonymous 91593)
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@carlafirst11 you've made me chuckle with that one. 

A few years ago when stretchy lycra mini skirts were the new thing I had a brown striped one. It was a perfect fit and looked great with boots and a sweater. Or so I thought .

Having a bar meal in a pub one Saturday (male mode) in walks this woman , I'd describe her as extremely shapely with a certain elegance . You've guessed it . Wearing my skirt and boots . I could not get her appearance out of my mind , probably because I could never look as good lol. 

Was this my first experience of matching outfit jealousy 😂

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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@kayt You really got how I felt, very shapely figure, I was just in love and jealous

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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What she was wearing was my style so I would have been hard pressed not to look!  I get jealous too when I see someone that's close to my preferred appearance be it figure, clothes, hair, makeup, etc.   I'm always making mental notes for things to try to enhance my own appearance or just change it up once in a while.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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I agree Lauren. It's hard not to be envious when seeing women presenting themselves nicely in a style we like. But as you mention, it's great to take note to enhance our own efforts.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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A womans envy is quite normal and to use a few enhancements to compete is quite acceptable. 

I go to church nowadays and do dress up a bit as was the way years ago. I don't go over the top feeling quite comfortable fitting in just fine and involved with everyone there.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Hi girls,

I also attend a church every Sunday, where I am viewed as one of the ladies in the congregation.  Last week I was admiring the jacket the lady in front of me was wearing, and complemented her on it.  She turned around, said thank you, and then asked me about my eye makeup and lip color. Her makeup was also gorgeous, we both talked about it and found that we are both MAC girls, using almost the same products. We both admired each others look and exchanged hugs, what fun!


Ms. Lauren M

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Trusted Member     Andhra pradesh, India
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Oh god !! Cannot tell how many times  i felt jealous of women around me - strangers and friends !!
I am not out open about my dressing.... so never had a conversation  with anyone about their dressing, but I do observe. 

Infact, a close lady friend of mine, recently at an evening party , wore a  cold shoulder flowery summer dress -very similar to one I have . I soo wish i was wearing the same then.

Funny story - I always thought I observe women very discreetly as all the women in my known circles know that I respect women and are very nice with me. Until one evening, a few colleagues and friends were playing some games, and wanted to play ' first impressions'. So , a new lady friend got her turn to talk about me - She said that she had noticed that I observe woman but not speak much with them and asked me why. My heart was in my mouth as my wife was also there. Fortunately , all my friends laughed and diverted the topic that I am a very shy guy and she must have misunderstood me. 
Phew !! I wish the group was not of close friends and my wife not there. I would have taken the punt and said 'I appreciate good dressing and styles'... but with all known ppl around..i kinda froze. 

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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@jennykumari the summer dress story strikes a chord . I was at a a formal do some years back with a nice young lady wearing a short style lace evening dress , black stockings and high heels . The feel of the dress was wonderful when I had my arm around her and her persistence in crossing and uncrossing her legs with the slight noise it mad when she was sitting down had me incredibly jealous . I didn't want her I wanted her outfit lol

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
Posts: 288

@kayt 👍😘😃

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
Posts: 288

@jennykumari Hello Jenny, thank you for sharing, great recollection, great story 😘

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hi Carla, I do totally understand. I make a mental note of a look that I see that I really like.  Sometimes I'll even take a picture if possible.  Then, when I'm home, I figure out a way to copy the essence of it and personalize it and make it mine.  Marg


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