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Hi girls something weird just happened to me my sister phoned me this evening and said I've got a photo of a woman on her phone with my phone number, have i just been outed, I'm not sure what is going to happen now, I might ask her to send me a picture message and see if it is really me, I might look at it with my wife and go well don't i look nice as a woman,
Hugs Roz X
Wow, what a way to start the new year! I suggest you wait and see what happens. Could very well be nothing. If it does turn out that you're being outed, you can try and spin it off as one of your mates pulling a prank with one of the newfangled AI photo filters to make you look like a woman.
Or maybe you could own it. I mean I think you look stunning!
Hi Roz, this could be serious. For the moment, do nothing. Just see what happens next.
Hope everything works out for you Roz. Have a Happy New Year
She just got a new sister, I would add, please make sure to give us an update.
Happy New Year 🍷
Roz -
Happy New Year
Sorry to hear what happened. I hope things work out for you.
Happy New Year Roz. You certainly don't need that sort of thing to deal with at the start of a new year. It is a testament to how amazing you look that she hasn't put two and two together. I hope you can get it sorted out and if it turns out you have to tell your sister, one way to look at it is maybe her finding out was meant to be. I do hope if you do tell her it won't affect your relationship.
A funny episode I had involving my sister was a neighbor spotted me driving down the street as Olivia. When they mentioned a few day's later they saw a woman driving my car I said it was my sister who had borrowed the car. Thankfully they accepted that no questions asked.
Hope it all works out for you.
Hugs Olivia
I bet you have an iPhone. I bet your sister has an iPhone. I also bet in your contacts you have a picture of yourself crossdressed. iPhones will automatically update your contact information in other peoples iPhoness including the picture.
The nig question is, will your sister care? If not, no worries and just use this as an openining. Of more concern is if this is happening to her phone, what is happeninig on every iPhone in your contact list?
Beware of how many apps have access to your photo gallery. Any such picture taken needs to be move to a secure folder immediately or they will be backed up to variois cloud storage options, and then pop up occasionally when those storage options create things like "this time last year" photo catalogs.
wow not sure the whole situation but if your using Apple phone and add a profile pic it will send it to all your contacts have to watch these phones know a days as well things can leak out unexpectedly sorry to hear this and hope everything turns out well TC
Any follow up from your sister?
Wow, Rozalyn! That's an eventful start to the New Year! Sounds like you've got to the root of the problem as to how this happened. Looking forward to hearing about any further updates, if there are any.
Unfortunately, you're post has probably raised my existing paranoia regarding having my photograph taken 'en femme' to a new high!
Judy. X.
Hi Judy it's just one of those things that are sent to try us, I've sorted it now and I'm hoping that's the last I'll hear about hopefully,
All you need to do is go on your phone and turn off the things that share your data with your family and friends and that's what I've done, and if you have a profile picture on your email just make sure it's one of you in drab,
Love Roz ❤️
I have a easy way to solve your problem Roz. Be like this old geeezerzer!!!!! and use and old flip phone. Cant muck anything up then!
OK I do have an old.. i phone with all my music on it. That's onlys cos my I pods died (RIP)
Yes, that has a sim card in it, but it aint used much other than for the music
Hi Roz, sorry to hear about your pic 'escaping'. I use an iphone but without a SIM as there is far too much happening behind the scenes is so much of today's technology. All my phone pics are transferred by cable to my laptop to prevent this sort of thing happening.
Having said that , I love your pictures at Tracey's. I had a great time there last year - first time out!
Hugs from (almost) another Rosalind