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When you're dressed and the time comes, do you stand or sit? I stand lol
It's not really a choice so much as a necessity when I'm tucked, which is (almost) always when dressed.
Also being in heels makes you so much taller and the toilet bowl looks smaller from up there 😉
When dressed I always sit. Lately I also sit even when in drab for the reasons already stated (spraying, dribbling) - it is cleaner. I also dab when done for the same reason, even though I wear a pad it keeps my panties dry.
A friend of mine is unhappily married to a boorishly chauvinistic fellow who brought up the subject in conversation after reading an article about a new 'sit down' law in Scandinavia. As we three sat there sipping our coffee, in his derision of that law and in defense of heterosexuality (I guess) he announced he always stands. Then demanded my answer!
"There you go, buddy," I. thought. I bet your wife does all the housecleaning and she looks forward to proudly wiping down that area of the bathroom, while thankful she's married to such a manly man.
Here in the US, public restrooms are getting rather rank. Most of the male population it seems can't figure out how to 'hit' the urinal's 1-square-foot area from 1 foot away, and consequently, the grout of the ceramic tile floor is completely saturated, often with small puddles of bodily fluid. It is almost excuse enough to opt to be fully dressed en femme and explain to the GG's I only dress this way cuz the male bathroom is so bad.
Plus, I do not want to stand in that puddle there, then track the residue into my car. When there is no other option, I will walk around in the snow, grass, or dirt to try to clean up my shoes.
I sit. With wearing a dress and hosiery and often a slip or petticoat it's more practical.
I always sit just like all the other women because it feels so right whether I am dressed or not.
En femme, I always sit.
Stand, always, when peeing. When in the public ladies loo though, I keep my feet away from the sides and never aim at the water. Having the anatomy the way it is, courtesy of an early-life operation, I'm accurate and no spraying.
Mind you, this is in the UK where ladies and gents 'traps' usually have sealed-in sides or at least a very low gap. I believe in the US the gaps under walls and doors are rather bigger: assuming I am right in thinking that, then standing, facing the bowl would be quite obvious from the outside.
I might add that I lift the seat to pee but always, always, put it back down before leaving.
For me , it always sitting , En femme Style only, that's what being feminine is all about , and dressing up , is be a woman ..
Woman do stand , they sit to go pee or tinkle , Isn't that what dressing up is all about Really ??
I do even when I'm Drab , unless I'm doing something like hiking in drab with others.
I always sit when I am dressed. And sometimes also when I'm in male mode.
My wife asked me that same question a while back.
Always sit of course. When I first began going out a friend said to remember "your feet point out". It was a funny comment but oh so true.
Due to my silicone bottoms I must sit if I don’t have them on then I stand I don’t leave the house so I don’t have to worry about any of them issues
You must sit for so many reasons, imagine using ladies room and someone comes to see your heels while splashing, totally rude and unsafe.
if you are dress like a lady, you must act like a lady, get in take care of your needs, wash hands get out.
When I’m at home sometimes I like to stand it gives me a good giggle seeing myself in the mirror all dolled up. That being said a lady ALWAYS sits! So sitting is my go to .
Definitely sit much more lady like.