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standing out in the crowd.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Joined: 1 month ago

last night i went out to play pool. put on a white dress, knee high boots, painted red nails and a blond wig. got to the bar and walked in. about 100 people there already. i go there a lot so everyone knows my name. a lot of new people i never saw before, but i'm not focusing on who's watching. waiting for my turn to play and looking around the room. i'm the only one there in a dress and the only cd there. i look good, so i think so. i probably know about a dozen people i play with. most of them watching probably know me because how many cds do you see out there playing pool. i get to play lot because we play doubles. if someone doesn't have a partner, they usually ask someone if they want to be partners. i get picked a lot because i'm pretty good and they like me. everyone is amazed when i make a shot that they thought was impossible. but if you never try you will never know if you can do it. think positive. no risk, no reward i always say. it's only a game and the only game you need to win at is life. i'm in my early 60's out dressed playing pool with a bunch of young people (20 to 50 year olds). no one ever said anything bad about me and we all get along fine.  

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Reputable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
Posts: 167

@prettytoes disclaimer- I’m a really bad pool player but…….

I’ve always wanted to play pool as Joan. Everything must feel so different, the position of your legs in heels, how your dress feels and is okay as you lean over the table and how do your forms affect your stroke?

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 266

@joanarbour and your heels give you better reach. i play pool wherever and whenever i can. i never met anyone that wasn't up for a game and when you beat their ass it feels so good. only one guy a met that was pissed off because he lost. he was a real good pool player but he lost because he got the 8 ball in the wrong hole. he said i break like a girl. i said thanks. i break pretty good. that time probably wasn't one of them. pool players are good sports and we always shake hands or fist pump and say "good game". when me and my friend jackie 
(another cd) went to this bar the owner and his friend was beating everyone they played. i ask Jackie if he wanted to be my partner against these 2 guys. he said sure. we played them, it was a close game. i only had the 8 ball left. everyone was watching. bar was crowded. i named the pocket and hit the ball in. everyone in the bar cheered. we won. that night before we left, everyone was asking us if we were going to come back. we have been going back for over 5 years now.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1119

@prettytoes wonderful post so glad to hear and read post like these that’s truly amazing I’m no good at pool but must say I would actually love to play golf as Erin lol 

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
Posts: 731

@prettytoes what a great night you had.  If people ever wonder if things are changing, all they need to do is read your post.  I’ve noticed that almost everyone now who sees a trans or CD, they may look, but they don’t stare, they don’t comment.  It’s definitely a noticeable difference, and the reports that we get about mistreatment are rare.  It’s definitely a better world now.

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Trusted Member     San Jose, California, United States of America
Joined: 2 months ago

Rachel,  you are such a badass. For just living life as you choose. You are a huuge inspiration to us closet folks. Thank you for sharing. 


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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 4 months ago

Awesome!  What amazing courage!  I've never been one for pool but I do hope to reach a level of confidence to be able to handle myself as well in public. 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Rachel -

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. How nice to hear that you were accepted so nicely. 


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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 266

@cdsue i have never been rejected everyplace i go. and i go a lot of places. its easier for me to make friends when i'm dressed. they must think i'm not boring or something.


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