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Still Here!

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Estimable Member     Brookfield, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

Hello again!


It’s been a minute since I’ve posted but I’m still here. Just had to cool the jets and slow things down a bit. But changes kept rolling!

While there are still no set future plans, I’ve been taking my baby steps. Even passing into uncharted territory, with a twist. 

I finally did what I was always too scared to do before. Got rid of ALL my body hair. I had only previously done select parts before, but nothing outwardly obvious. Best thing ever!

And I even went beyond shaving. I got myself an IPL device and have been doing treatments for just over a month now. The difference so far is INSANE! I’m even doing my face. I’ve never loved my femme wardrobe (or self) more! 

shaving is completely different already. I’ve already gone from shaving with a razor to using a cheap foil shaver. The results are smoother than I’ve ever felt before. The regrowth is also EXTREMELY inhibited. After 3 days my face has less hair growth than 8 hours before. The hair isn’t stubbly anymore either. It’s almost velvety feeling. 

Best of all, the IPL also rejuvenates skin and can help treat acne and scars. My skin looks so much better and is way less irritated. No more red blotchy areas and I’m starting to develop a far more even and clean skin tone. It’s really been something! 

I’ve continued growing my female wardrobe and MY GOD! 🤯 I definitely got carried away.  I caught myself about to order the SAME dress I was watching Cheryl Scott wearing while doing the nightly weather on the news. 🤭 I thought that was funny. (Ordered mine in different color!)

Something tells me that if I were out and about fully made over in a friendly environment, I’d get more than a little attention. Considering the fact that I’ve always thought I was probably one of the goofiest looking guys in the room, that’s saying something. 

Now, something BIG is about to change here and I seriously don’t know what that’s gonna mean going forward. Sadly, it could stand in the way of me being able to take things further.  At very least, it’s not a good time to seek any treatments I could end up cut off from at any moment. So this is just how it’s gonna have to be unless something unexpected happens. 

My true self has to stay hid, but I’m not giving up on getting her out there. In fact, I’m probably more determined than ever before to. I just gotta make double sure that I’m being smart about it. 

If I can get out and do even a fraction of what I’ve imagined. Even just one perfect night. I can be happy with that. 




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Posts: 56
Estimable Member     Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 2 months ago

I've only recently started shaving all over but using a lady's razor. The feel of newly shaved legs is incredible 


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