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My wife and I were raiding a local charity shop this afternoon. My wife was off looking at the bric a bac, I was perusing the shorter skirt rail. This was next to the gents section. In was in male mode. Big heavy Barbour coat. Baseball cap, jeans, shirt, and sturdy shoes.... It's been wet and windy here in south Wales. Totally male. Not even any earrings in, which is rare for me.
As I'm flicking through the skirts, and older gent, who was stood next to me says "That's ladies clothing. I made the same mistake". I replied that I knew what it was, and that I was shopping for me. He looked confused, and I said "I'm a crossdresser. I like to wear ladies clothing". (since I've decided not to hide anymore, I'm fully open)..... this gent looked at me, smiled and said "ah yes, I see it now. Sorry"
"Ah yes, I see it now"????? What did he see? Head to toe male. No earrings or any other jewellery. No make up. Hair up under my hat. I haven't shaved for 3 days...... What did he see? Do we give off an aura? Do we stand in a certain way? "ah yes, I see it now".... I've been pondering this all day. My wife has no idea either. Do you? 🙂
He was probably trying to come up with something, anything, to say and "Ah yes, I see it now" was all that came out. I suspect you just caught him by surprise.
I suspect he meant that that explains why a man was shopping through the women's clothing section.
Hi Cerys, do you think that crossdresser's give off a different persona when out shopping, do we act differently shopping for clothes especially female clothes, when i go in a shop to buy clothes for Roz i look at them and think to myself will this dress suit me and will it fit me, I've not actually said to any shop assistant that it was for me, maybe it's time i did all i need to say is I'm transgender ,
Hugs Roz X
Hey Ceerys,
Perhaps, he is a closet crossdresser and looking for fashion hints. After all, he said he’d been standing by the rail of womens skirts earlier.
Maybe he was trying to convey something and maybe that's just a favorite expression of his. Since you won't know for sure, make of it what feels good.