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Stuck in the house

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Reputable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

As I have become Jessica more and more I have discovered that I don't leave the house as much. At all really. I get home from work and I immediately put on a dress, a skirt, or something else. I barely ever even go outside anymore because who I am discovering, exploring, and feeding inside seems very important. Going out now seems like I have to go back into hiding.

This is unacceptable to me. Therefore, I am officially announcing that I am going to be way more open to allowing all of me to go outside in the light. Baby steps lead to bigger steps. That doesn’t mean I have to go out in a dress all of the time, but it does mean that when I’m shopping with my wife in Target I’m not going to hide that I’m looking for myself anymore. It also means that if I want to wear a little makeup I'm going to do just that. Life (for me) isn't about hiding anymore. Piss on that. 

Sorry about the little diatribe ladies. It's nearing the end of summer and I am realizing just how much of it I spent inside my house because I didn't want to go out 'drab'.

I know I’m going to get funny looks, and I’m not to sure what to do with that, but I’ll probably figure it out as I go along. I’m hoping anyway.

Cross your fingers ladies.


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Trusted Member     Cheboygan, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Jessica,

Go for for it. You deserve to happy.


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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Good for you Jessica.

Just be brave and confident.


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Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Good luck Jessica, I admire your attitude.

Jessica x.

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Good for you Jessica, just be careful and you'll be  surprised, most people won't even bat an eye.

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I'm also learning that baby steps build confidence. I have only openly dressed at home, so far, although I have worn ladies' slacks and dress shirt to church. After you've done it a time or two, openly shopping for clothes feels normal; nobody notices or cares. The only overtly femme item I've worn in public have been my ballet flats (which nobody seemed to notice). Whether the next step will be with clothing or makeup, I haven't decided...but we musn't remain stuck in the house; I totally agree.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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Go for it Jessica!

I had that attitude 2 yrs ago, much has advanced in my life since then. Yes you'll get some looks, some maybe evening inviting. Just be aware of your surroundings and play safe.


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It's clearly something you feel drawn to do, as it is for me and others.

You'll soon know if it's right for you or not, and that's all that matters.

Funny looks?

I get them quite frequently, and love people for their curiosity.

I have thanked people for asking if I'm a man or a woman, I've smiled kindly at children who say "Mummy, why's that man wearing a dress", and life goes on.

Hiding is not right for me, and it sounds like you're ready for freedom too!

Good luck, and I look forward to the stories of your outings. Go heavy on the little things that you notice!

Love Laura

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Reputable Member     Titusville, United States of America
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[postquote quote=216467][/postquote]
This is precisely the reason for PROJECT UNITY as of today there are over 1,500 places in a searchable data base on CDH. Within the next 30 days we plan to have over 5,000. This database covers the United States and as many countries as we can. These places cover a range of types from bars, to medical, therapy, shopping, entertainment, etc. These places are confirmed to be trans accepting so CDH members will be inclined to go there.


If you have suggestions for places please message me or Tiffany Alexis or any Ambassador.




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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

It took me about a year to go from wearing pantyhose with guy shorts and guy clothes to going out fully fem. My attitude was I want to do this and I'm tired of not doing it. There was a lot of ear and chickening out each step of the way, but it was exciting and a lot of fun too.

Good luck.


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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Go for it Jessica !!!



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