I thought it would be interesting to consolidate some CDH polls. This is not a complete summary. This is just some responses I thought were interesting. Hugs Jennifer
Summary of some interesting Cross Dresser Heaven Polling as of July 11, 2019
Compiled by Jennifer Swanson
Cross Dressing
93% Dress for themselves
98% Would continue dressing even if it were 100% acceptable
60% Dress to feel some of what a woman feels
92% Feel excitement, elation or satisfaction while dressed
42% Go out occasionally
85% Dressed full cd on first time out
55% Very nervous about going out first time
70% Can go out as a girl
Friends are twice as likely to know as relatives or coworkers
62% Have not taken hormones
62% Use the women’s room
65% Read cd literature
93% Dream about en femme
58% Wear full makeup out
80% Say makeup is hardest part
86% Use lipstick
40% Wear full makeup
67% Wet shave legs
42% Have pierced ears, 93% have no other piercings
75% Wear perfume some or all the time
90% Do their nails
55% Wear red nail polish, 23% pink
83% Own jewelry
72% Felt they were meant to be a girl
32% Say they are 40f/60m, 27% say 60f/40m, rest are evenly split m/f
67% Work more on making female look better
65% Have breast forms, 23% have the real thing
55% Use hip/butt forms
57% Start dressing by picking underwear
75% Wear matching bra and panties
72% Wear panties all the time
62% Wear black underwear, 54% pink
54% Wear underwire bra
54% Like professional look
45% Like sexy look
35% Like casual look
15% Like work clothes
10% Like athletic clothes
54% Have have 3-5 inch heels
50% Own femme swimsuits
95% Own wigs, 27% blonde, 18% brunette, 17% red
70% Have 10-20 inch wigs
57% Never use hair rollers
53% Went more then 5 years without SO finding out
58% of SOs approve, 42% disapprove
63% Raided Mom’s closet, 37% raided wife, 36% sister
75% Say our SO would never dress like a cd
90% First cross dressed before 25, 48% under 10
Age on CDH 42% 51-65, 23% 36-50, 21% 66+, 12%18-35
14% Gemini, 12% Virgo (8% average per sign)
25% Live in southern US
18% in NE US
18% Midwest US
13% UK
10% Western US
5% Canada
5% Australia
4% Europe
90% Have gotten more femme as they got older
CDH versus general population astro sign. We have 14% Virgo and 12% Gemini.
General US population
Scorpio 9.6
Virgo 9.4
Gemini 9.3
Pisces 9.1
Libra 8.8
Cancer 8.5
Taurus 8.3
Capricorn 8.2
Aries 8.1
Sagittarius 7.3
Leo 7.1
Aquarius 6.3