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Hello again Ladies,
With summer winding down here in the states, I thought it would be a good time to reengage on this site. As always it feels good to get my dressing fired up again and i’d ne lying if I said the pink fog didn’t descend a few times this summer, but I always love that 1st body shave to end the summer. Anyway just wanted to say hello, reengage on the site and look forward to being a little more active again.
Hello Rachel,
Welcome back, it is lovely to meet you. I think summer wound down a few weeks ago here in the UK.
Jessica x.
That is the thing I need to do, been meaning to do it for two weeks now, have to wait until get a new job
All the best
Didn't notice it start Jess.x.
[postquote quote=216957][/postquote]
One of my English friends informed me that summer was on a Tuesday this year
As much as I like the ability to be able to crossdress under my male clothes during the winter and not have to worry about having strap lines showing through or something, I still prefer the warm outdoor friendly temperatures brought to us by the summertime.
I agree I wouldn’t mind Dressing more in warmer months. However, as closeted as I am, (wife knows, that’s about it) shaving doesn’t really come into play. I also am one of those girls who doesn’t really go bare legged, so humid hot days really are’t that fun. Also, there is something to be said, at least in my opinion, of appreciating it more after taking a step back over a period of time. I’ve decided to make summer that period of time. Although as I said, the pink fog does grab me from time to time.
It is hard to go all summer without being smooth. The alter ego is particularly hairy so after the electric hair clippers has mowed off everything pre straight razor shave, I would have enough on the bathroom floor to make several wigs lol (you know if that wasn’t really gross). Thanks for responding, good luck on the job hunt.
Hello Jessica,
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Nice to meet you as well. If I remember hearing correctly, UK summer months are similar to here. Regardless of Crossdressing activity it’s always a let down when it ends, especially earlier then expected. Our Labor Day holiday over here, which was this past weekend, is usually my summer end benchmark date. Thank you again.
Yes! Discovered that I love to wear capris and camis, which are strictly warm-weather gear. And from Halloween until Easter, I will mostly be wearing two layers of everything in a effort to stay comfortable. To each her own.
Elliot Elliot is showing 37 F all night degree ! My Canada Goose Parka, Sorel Snow snow-paks, and 50 degree ninus mutts.
I Green Bay Packers are using snow now !!
Dame Veronica
Early dark evenings in autumn or early winter are the best.
Lazy grey afternoons spending hours getting beautiful waiting for the street lights to come on. Plenty of people about wrapped up against the cold, warm gloves, boots and umberellas for the drizzle, getting stuck in rush hour traffic all covered by a cloak of invisibility.
Absolute heaven......Sally.
Ha ha, i’m not sure what you said there, but i’ll go ahead agree. Thanks for responding
packers suck😁
One of my favorites as well
"I don't know anything about Summer's end" I said quietly as I slide the blood stained razor sharp calendar into the recycle boxes........