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A strange question to ask, but it's still one that makes me wonder... We've all heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder; when the sun goes in and we get less Vitamin D we don't feel quite as good as we otherwise do. I find that as the sun comes up and the days get longer, I tend to want more and more to pull on a pair of panties and a short skirt. Am I unusual in this? Does anyone else see things in the same way... or perhaps in the opposite way? Does the time of the year have an effect on our proclivity? It would be nice to know how everyone else feels...... Holly XXX
Hi Holly,
With me, it really doesn't matter what time of year it is. I want to be me & I am a woman. I think that more sunlight & warmer weather might make us want to dress in more sexy attire & show off our feminine features like GGs can do. My wife says that I tend to dress more like a "slut" when it gets warmer.
PS: I love the title of your post. Love Lesley Gore!
Holly, personally I'd rather dress in winter. I don't want to be hot when I'm all dolled up. Well, I guess I do. Oh, you know what I mean. But as you girls know I'll take any of the rare opportunities that come my way.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
I definitely want to dress more with the sunshine, in fact I'm more likely to want to go out in it. My first few public excursions en femme were all on sunny days. I tend to stay in more if there's no nice weather on offer.
Hmm. Good question. I think the darker months gets everyone down, dresser or not. I think in my case it's Seasonal Affected Dressing as what I wear is affected by the weather being less flamboyant in the winter than summer....
I'm wearing panties all year round, unless I'm getting waxed (I have to wear a pair of boxer briefs over my panties) or I'm wearing a swimsuit (well, even there, in a women's swimsuit, I have a gender bending G-string to wear under).
The same goes for skirts (mostly) or dresses. I'll dress any time of the year. Sure, although where the skirt hits my leg tends to go up with the temperature, this isn't a hard and fast rule. I have some summer skirts/dresses that are knee length. And having an ankle length winter coat allows me to wear a skirt (of any length) in the winter and still be warm. I tend to wear longer skirts in the colder months but it's not always ankle length either. It's all about the legwear which changes from (opaque) tights to (sheer) pantyhose to bare legs.
The way that I dress goes with the weather. When the sun is out i pull out the shorts and sundresses. When it wet, cold or gloomy its jeans. Nothing better than a flowered sundress on a pretty day.
A flowery sundress is pretty much heaven for any day... unless you are in the UK at the moment, in which case you'll probably get frostbite! Holly XXX
I know many who won't dress in summer months because they don't want to shave or expose their bodies to that degree. They look forward to the WINTER months, using summer to hibernate. I personally prefer the warmer months where I can more easily go out, wear a bathing suit, and find more people to mingle with.
We are planning to leave for an Alaskan cruise. The good news is that my SO decided this would require a change in wardrobe, so spent a lot of time thumbing through women's catalogues. The BAD news is that she is picking out slacks and tops expecting cold weather (as if we cannot go inside where it is more temperate)! I told her I have only one pair of slacks and never felt a need for more. I don't have any extra room in my closet, and any I can free up should be reserved for dresses, skirts, and skorts. So my question to others would be how you'd solve the dilemma: what would YOU prefer if in my situation...women's slacks and tops that fit cold weather needs, or more skirts and dresses, albeit perhaps more suitable for winter wear? Speaking for myself, I'd give up slacks for a skirt or dress any day!
Aaahhh... Alaska (or, as it should more properly be called, New Siberia - please remember that it was only leased to the US back in 1867 and should have been returned to the Soviet Union 100 years later.) I can't imagine a more beautiful area of the world (though a litte chilly at times...) DON'T go for slacks - insist on your shortest skirt!!! Holly XXX
I don't care for slacks and don't own any. However I do own leggings and enjoy wearing them any time of the year.
In colder weather, I wear fashion boots with boot socks.
I wear pantyhose and tights with dresses and skirts in the cooler weather, and the skirts can be maxi, midi, or mini-skirts.
If you want to keep your legs warm while wearing a skirt, especially a mini-skirt, a girl here on CDH who lives in Alaska once posted her CD hack. She wears a pair of nude pantyhose over a pair of beige or tan tights whenever she wears a mini-skirt.
In cooler weather, I also carefully choose dresses and skirts made of heavier warmer material.
Solid color sweaters are warm and can be matched with many different skirts.
As I only started CDing in the last quarter of last year I have only had half a winter cross-dressing, a spring and what passes for early summer here in the UK (it is 9 degrees C at the moment with a cold North wind). However, I have got together a winter wardrobe, some spring skirts and tops and some summer dresses, which I might eventually be able to wear without freezing to death, so I'm becoming a 'seasoned' cross dresser (see what I did there). I have been out and about both in winter and summer and I think I generally prefer summer for going out to the city but winter for being able to go out locally at night.
The wearing of a wig in the warmer weather has served to remind me why, years ago, I shaved my head. God, doesn't hair make you warm!?
Hi girls!
I definitely get affected by seasonal light disorder in the fall. For me it makes me want to dress fem even more. When my body and mind is feeling stress of any kind the first thing I want to do is feel girly. One of my primary CD outlets is underdressing. I’m sure my mind and soul has been conditioned to expect that I will be wearing more feminine items underneath in the fall and winter. In the warmer months I’m so much more active and wearing panties is often enough to fulfill my cd desires
Natalie 💋💋
Hiya, Natalie; you seem like my kind of girl - just 180 degrees opposite! Now, I think I've got to have a walk out en femme tonight, maybe about 4am as it's getting light but no-one is around; do you fancy joining me? Holly XXX