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Best fit I could think of for a title. Anyone who has seen my bazillion or 2 comments in other forum posts know that my only crossdressing clothing choice is women's swimsuits. Even though I will use silicone breast forms with them, I still just consider myself a male. And not being passable brings a barrier of zero confidence to buying one in a local store which would provide the ability to use one of their fitting rooms to try them on to find my size. After a few...hundred "no-refund" purchases online, I finally found my size for some brands. I don't do it for the looks. I do it for the feeling...they feel really good to wear.
A little while ago (yes, in the shadow of the night), I went to a lake to test out 2 things: a recent swimsuit purchase, and new breast forms. The breast forms are a smaller size, but with a self adhesive backing. I never had a pair like that. The adhesion is not strong enough to keep them on my chest by it self, but keeps them from moving around under my swimsuit. My new swimsuit [ Cressi Termico ] is one of my few really good finds. I've tried other neoprene one piece swimsuit looking wetsuits in the past that were either too small, or was too high on the neck. I've had my eyes on this one for a while and the opportunity to get one for a good price came to me. Although I don't exactly have the smallest waist size, I am still able to fit into their largest size, and it fits really well and feels really good. Also, when I am in the water, I nearly sink like a rock. This one gave me a little buoyancy so I did not have to work as hard to keep my head above water.
This may not be of any help, but Jodee, Inc. in Hollywood, Florida has swimsuits with pockets for breastforms, up to size 20. They have a website you can Google if you’re interested. Not much variety, but if you’re only after the feel, and you only swim at night…..
I remember well “the feel” you speak of: 25+ years ago, when I was married, my wife was a ballet instructress. On rare occasions, when she was out of town, I would wear her leotards to bed, always careful to put them back exactly as I found them (unsoiled). What bliss. Shameful, I know, but I rationalized it as “being close to her even when she was far away.” I don’t think she ever found out. Now divorced over 20 years, I still miss her. And her leotards.
Yes, I have seen some of those online and my try them in the future.
When I was still with the wife, she only had one out of a few swimsuits that I liked wearing, but I only tried them each on one time...for only a few seconds before they made a run through the washer and dryer. Out of respect, I never wore hers again after those one tries. As much as I do miss having her in my life, she was extremely opposed to the idea when she found out. She had just gotten a degree in Social Work and always talked about the politics of "acceptance" and "unity" but her extreme opposition proved that to be false.
Hi K !
I had to search to find Cressi Termico since I was unfamiliar with them. Looks like they make quality products. I don't own any female swimsuits yet and haven't began looking yet. Summer is almost over so I'll go with the N.Y. Jets fan line again..... There's always next year. 😉
So what color did you pick ?
Well you might not want to pick any Cressi brands for your first one. To highlight: They are more in the line of scuba diving equipment and the Cressi Termico is meant to be more of a wetsuit than a swimsuit. This was actually a good find because many years ago I was able to get ahold of the seemingly more popular Cressi Fire, but that has a tight mock neck and I felt like it was going to choke me to death if I wore it too long.
As far as color, I got the black one. Even though I don't really care about appearance since I don't take pictures or show off, I would have preferred the dark blue, but that is much harder to find for a decent price. It seems that they recently came out with a very light blue one. If that's the case, I hope that they are still producing the dark blue ones so I can get one in the future.