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What has been your experience of telling the family that you cross-dress? I imagine you all have stories of success and also absolute failures.
Most of my family I have no intention of telling them. But I have my older sister who knows I'm queer. Been thinking about telling her as she is cool with my queerness and seems pretty open to things like that. Have you all felt there is more relief, agony or a little of both with deciding on telling the family?
When family found out my response was simple. Then we shall discuss all of their issues. Like the drug use, alcohol, smoking, etc, etc..... That pretty much stopped them in their tracks. I could be honest if they could be honest. There were no takers. LOL
Obviously, Nicole, it is going to depend on the individuals. My whole family is too tiny to even contemplate telling anyone, except my wife.
Nicole -
There is no easy answer to your question. It depends on who you are planning on telling and their acceptance level. Only you know them and how they may take it.
My wife, therapist, son and a lifelong friend are the only ones to know about my dressing and then not everything. My wife and therapist know Suzanne and have seen me dressed. My son has seen me dressed (he is gay and dresses on occasion himself). My friend just knows that I crossdress but not to what extent. I would never entertain telling my sisters or daughter as I'm pretty sure it would not be received very well. My sisters live in different states so I don't need concern myself with them discovering me. My daughter lives locally but we've been estranged for a couple years.
You have to do what you are comfortable with.
Best of luck.
I follow a "need to know" path. Few people need to know I dress, so I do not tell them. I do not have a problem with anybody knowing, but honestly, I am just too lazy to have to explain it all and correct all the misconceptions. My wife knows, as does a close cousin plus a few others like my wax techician and a few SAs and MUA that I have patronized.
What has been your experience of telling the family that you cross-dress? I imagine you all have stories of success and also absolute failures.
The score's 2-all, I think, with one round left to play 🙂
My OH couldn't accept Fiona, and when it became clear that I'm going to stay as Fiona, our relationship ended. My parents will love me and support me in whatever I do, but don't want to think of me or see me as a woman.
My son surprised me by being completely accepting, I can absolutely be myself around him. My aunt even more so, she is so proud of me for coming out and living as who I want to be. She gave my my first proper earrings, that I've now had my ears pierced for and can't wait to wear for the first time at the end of August.
That just leaves my sister, who I'm going out for dinner with as Fiona in a couple of weeks' time. She made all the right responses to my coming out, but I'm not sure about her actual feelings yet.
Not quite the same thing, but when a friends daughter came out as lesbian his response was, " and this efdects me how?...oh, it doesn't. Good luck and I hope you have a happy life."
That is how all of us should view other peoples lives. It is classic "Golden Rule." If you want to be jugded by others, then go ahead and judge, but I suspect few of us want to be judged in the things we do, so let's give the same latitude to others.
Just an aside, my friend's daughter's partner has subsequently come out as trans. He didn't have a problem with it, but did not understand it and so was unsure and confused. We had a long talk and I explained a lot of the biology, endocrinology and pyscology of it, and like most things education leads to understand, which in turns leads to acceptance.
Most heterosexual people simply do not understand LGBTQ issues, but once educated are better about it. Anytime I get the oppurtunity to educate and enlighten people about such issues I try to explain ot in ways most can understand, and I do believe it helps. Unfortunately it does not always work.