Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I’m not real good with words so I’ll do the best I can here. I don’t participate a lot on the forum but I do read it every day. I belong to quite a few forums and groups not related to crossdressing and I want to say that this is the most friendly and informative forum I have ever been on. Everyone here is so nice, understanding, loving and helpful. Everyone is so inviting and gets along so well and that is so refreshing. This forum has been literally life changing for me. Before finding this forum I felt like I was the only one out there like this. After more than 50 years of crossdressing I’m finally getting more comfortable in myself and finally starting to get out and express my inner self. Thank you to all the people that made this forum possible and to all you wonderful people on this forum. I look forward every morning to reading all the wonderful posts on here, it really brightens my day. You girls are the BEST!
Glad you are finding this so friendly, makes me all warm & fuzzy inside to know that. I know exactly what you mean about forums & this is by far the best! I hope you keep finding supportive & enjoyable stuff here & please do join in, the best communities are the one's we can get involved in.
I agree such a friendly forum with some great advice. This forum has really helped me understand my Crossdressing someday l look forward to posting pictures of Jill. Thank you all!
Hi Nicki, your comments are definitely right on point, there are so many other forums that aren’t clean at all. I do appreciate everyone in here, as you mentioned it, everyone is so welcoming and polite. I am glad you took the time to write about it, happy Easter.
I agree Nicki, CDH is a very friendly, welcoming group. Reading the stories of many of the ladies here help me make up my mind to come out in May of 2022 and I haven't looked back since.
Very well put, Nicki. There is nothing to add. CDH is a wonderful site that improves our lives.
Hi Nicki, You might be the other side of the world but we are all friends here, we have a common passion and a common need for understanding friendship and support. CDH is probably the best CD site anywhere and I have been on a few, some are not friendly at all....... Enjoy your time here and indulge in the friendships you will make, it will enrich your life no end........