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Hi everyone !
I don't mean free of charge.... They have always been free of charge.
Some ladies have held likes and thanks hostage and it's time that comes to an end.
I want you know I have just written the "Thanks and Likes emancipation proclamation"
I can do that. I can write. 😉
So now go forth and let the thanks and likes multiply !
It encourages new ladies just getting through their introductions.
It makes the rest of us feel acknowledged and accepted.
Isn't that why we're here ?
Thank you Autumn, I like this very much.
Damn, just read the bit about them being free of charge, thought I was a few pounds/dollars up there.
Jessica x.
Jessica if they charged extra I would have some explaining to do to the wife.
Autumn, You go girl! Your post made me smile!
Yes that's exactly why we're here. Like many who first arrive here there is a nervousness of figuring on what's happening to me. With emotions running rampant inside were trying to find the reasons of who we are and in all this just now discovering that there is a new side trying to break out and be noticed. First contact in meeting newbies goes a long way. Many who return greetings are most appreciative for being welcomed as they fear for themselves for hiding in silence and too afraid to open up to others. Everyone needs at times a boost in confidence, a push of encouragement to motivate and give direction in helping lost souls in finding their reasons for being here. I personally was overwhelmed by responses that I received when first joining. It was a major reason for staying as it made me feel so relieved that someone actually did care and showed understanding for something that is so embarrassing and confusing for many first timers . I love meeting our new members as yes were all here expressing a passion totally different from what we have ever experienced. Showing compassion does go a long way for someone who is desperately is looking for answers.
Stephanie 🌹
Thanks Autumn, great post. We all need encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Our "Has Thanked" and "Been Thanked" are tallied right below our name on these posts. Does that mean that if my "Been Thanked" number is really high, and my "Has Thanked" number is really low, mean that I'm a thankless contributor? That is certainly NOT how I want to come across. I do really appreciate all you girls here!!!
Certainly not. We're all here to support and show comfort. Statistically it doesn't matter if someone offers thanks or for one to thank others. No one is ever looked at as thankless or insignificant for not mixing in on conversations. Let's not measure ourselves by our participations but let's be appreciated for being supportive and caring to others looking for help and guidance through theses confusing times. For us to understand the reasons why were are all here does speaks volumes in itself.
Stephanie 🌹
I am not intending to criticize anyone. Only to encourage. Hopefully in a fun way.
Not everyone will thank or like everything with the same amount of enthusiasm nor will they look at it the same way. I tend to thank people for sharing and participating for just about everything. I am sure others thank when a particular post or reply means something more to them. In a more selective fashion so to speak. Liking works the same for me. But there are times where it might make a difference to encourage a new lady to stay and keep logging in to see how utterly fantastic CDH is, and perhaps to encourage others to come forward more and participate more.
I am not saying anyone is wrong or right in how they thank or like. I just think more is better. My opinion. No one has to agree, this isn't "The Autumn Dictatorship". Well, it could be, but I just don't have the time to stage a coup. 😛
Likes and thanks. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere like rainbow unicorn sparkly pixie dust. Everyone could use some.
I have probably use the 'thanks' on here in the couple of months I've had an account far more often that I have the 'like' on facebook in the many years I've had an account there.
I hate when I see an advertisement that says "Like us on facebook for more info". How the heck am I supposed to actually like something that I know nothing about? My facebook likes don't come lightly. In the same sense, my 'thanks' here don't neither, but I use them a lot. Why? Because I actually had interest in the content posted here.
Kenzlie I made this post partially in fun and partially to encourage more thanks and likes as I believe they are good things. When I said some hold likes and thanks hostage it was intended to be cute and funny. Only because I know others don't see thanking and liking the way I do and I wanted to convey what I thought. I certainly didn't mean it to be judgemental or any other negative thing. I'm sorry if I upset you in any way.
The thank option wasn't even there when I joined but I do use it fairly generously, although not as much as our uber uplifting and polite girlfriend Autumn 🙂🙂. I still find it more personal and encouraging to give an actual reply when something peaks my interest or has particular meaning to me, as time allows of course. Either way she is right, giving encouragement by the use of any of these methods costs us nothing and can easily brighten the day of the contributor.
As Autumn ...and others do for us on a regular basis.
Of Course Not, Autumn!! I was just trying to be witty...As you can see my record low tally on the thanks I've given out as well as received, I'm not a high volume poster. I am being completely earnest when I say that I really do appreciate all you girls here, and what you have to say, even though I may not be contributing much, or pushing the like button. By no means did I take any negativity from you, whatsoever. In fact its quite the contrary. The world needs more positivist, especially the Autumn kind. After all, judgement just breeds disdain. Thank you for bring this to our attention.
As ever Autumn , lovely words , always a pleasure to read & a smile forever afterwards X Tiff
I really enjoyed making this post 5 years ago....
I still feel that likes and thanks are a form of very important feed back for ladies on this site.
Let them fly free!!!