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I don't know if this has been covered before but I'd like to say a huge thank you to all who administer/run/host Crossdresser Heaven.
Finding this place has made such a difference to me, I'm no longer alone, I can express my feminine side freely here and I've met lovely people.
So, to the founders, ambassadors, hostesses et al, please accept my heartfelt thanks and virtual round of applause 👏
Allie x
Well stated, Allie! I'm too new to the team to take any of that credit, but I definitely echo your sentiments. I've found the site and its members to be very warm, helpful, and welcoming!
I fully share your feeling, Allie. You make me think a lot about it.
Joining CDH has meant a positive change that has been very important in my life. I have learned a lot, personally and about crossdressing. My heart overflows with the love, friendship, encouragement and affection that I have found in this marvelous place. Both for the always friendly, understanding and protecting staff and for the supportive cordiality of the members of this community. I feel like I am in a big family to which I am honored to belong. I have a permanent gratitude to CDH. And also to TGH.
I love you all.
Cinnamon kisses.
Gisela Claudine
Such kind words Allie and that is exactly what CDH is about. Caring, sharing and an area to be free to express so no one will feel alone.
I hope it will allow you to connect with other girls and help you to flourish. having a supportive partner to share with you is such a bonus. It may be a little later in life for you but making up for lost time is such fun with the extra time and funds to be exploited.
It shows the strength of your relationship Allie, you are blessed.
I agree Allie, CDH is a special place.
Allie, I couldn’t agree more. The only thing I’m sorry about is that I did not think to thank the team and all the other girls myself.
so bravo to you too Allie!
I join in the gratitude. My life has changed since I connected with CDH. She is how Carla wants to be, sincere, friendly and affectionate. I am an older person, and the example that I have seen in you, of fighting and finding oneself despite age. You have revived me, you have given me hope. Thank you so much.
A kiss for all.
Although sometimes the translation does not allow me to follow some dialogues, which I literally do not understand
I've got to add my thanks to this thread. I would simply not be in the place I am today as Fiona without having found CDH, I wouldn't have had the experiences and the enjoyment of them, and for that I am profoundly grateful. I can scarcely believe that I've been able to express such inward thoughts so freely here, and not just without judgement, but with every encouragement. That wouldn't be possible without the community of wonderful girls here, and the skillful steady hands guiding the ship that all of us are sailing on. THank you again to everyone involved 🙂