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Is it possible that cross-dressing may have a genetic cause? I guess that until it is proven or debunked, sure, it may be. But let's wonder along those lines for a few minutes.
(Usual disclaimers... a) I'm not a scientist or an expert in the field and b) this is meant to be only and exclusively about crossdressing)
News flash! a group of researchers at the Chevalier de Eon clinic has found scientific proof that crossdressing is caused by the aptly named "pink gene". Soon after, there are big changes in society as we know it. After being tested and found to be a carrier of the pink gene, those individuals will be fully accepted and given all legal rights and protections to wear whatever clothes they feel like wearing at any time. Religious groups accept that since the individual was created by their deity, they will fully embrace them as they are. Oprah (just an example) is calling for all wives and significant others of those pink gene carriers to accept them and help them shopping and learning about fashion, makeup, etc.
Ah, we have been finally redeemed! We can dress to our hearts content! No more guilt/shame! You knew it all along!
You pick your prettiest dress, your cutest strappy sandals and go to the nearest clinic to get your "certificate of authenticity". (Ha!) You meet with many others who are so happy about getting the final justification to do what they love to do. They wish you well and you go and get your blood drawn. One hour later your results are out. Happy times! But... you tested negative. What? Yes, negative for the crossdressing gene.
So, accordingly, you go back home, take off all the clothes/makeup/etc and start a nice bonfire to get rid of everything. No pink gene, no more crossdressing for you. Ever! Right ladies? Because we can't have it both ways.
If you haven't guessed already, I do not believe that crossdressing has biological origins. At least not in all cases. I believe that there are many reasons why we started crossdressing at some point in our lives. For many it was a sexual/sensual interest. Others out from plain curiosity. Many will crossdress on their way to find out that their gender issues go way beyond the clothes. But for those of us who are not needing to transition, do we really need a scientific justification to like wearing skirts and dresses?
No, we don't. And while I don't believe on a biological origin, it is clear to me that crossdressing can become a physiological/psychological need. Whatever the origins, those feelings we got when we started crossdressing, euphoria, content, peace, all those positive and nice feelings can/are triggered by a physiological response to a desirable stimuli. Serotonin? any other enzyme, hormone, etc? But at the end, people can get hooked up to it. Very few can say that they never uttered the words "I'll die if I can't dress up soon!" Would we have died? Of course not. But it can become very similar to an addiction. And this not to mention other factors as arousal, vanity, etc.
I don't believe that the reason why we started crossdressing is so relevant, specially if you started many years ago. What is important is what do you do now about it. Own it, accept it as part of who you are, but not as all of who you are. Living in the pink fog is nice (Been there) but it can really hurt you and those around you if you get lost in it. So, enjoy being you, no need for justifications...
Gaby ♥
To be honest, I feel like it's been a need since forever.
I think I was partly attracted by the potential sensuousness - who knows why a 5-6 year old boy started a life-long passion to wear a girls swimming costume, then started to desire dresses?
At 12, U could not control my desire to wear my sister's petticoat - it was the most amazing garment I'd ever seen, and I had to wear it.
The feeling was less I'll die if I don't dress and more if I don't die, I will dress, and be ruthlessly beaten, humiliated and mentally tortured.
This is not a moan, it's based in fact.
It's been inevitable as long as I can remember, and now, yes, there is that feeling rather like an addiction.
It's an addiction to my own reward factory, which is the same thing that makes me play guitar, or run around with my kids. I love doing these things!
Love Laura
Hey Laura!
Like you, I can’t explain why at 3 or 4 years of age I had my first conscious decision about wearing an item of girls clothing. I have some theories, but that’s all they are, theories.
What I know is that I spent countless hours trying to figure it out. And for many years. Until I realized that right now, why I made that decision is totally irrelevant. Which allowed me to focus in the present.
Maybe one reason for what I wrote is that I see way too many who use the “pink gene” theory to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Maybe they don’t realize that even if they were really “born to crossdress”, that is always going to be secondary to the power to decide how and when. Like for example, the human male is still biologically programmed to reproduce by impregnating as many females as possible. Yet you can decide to be monogamous and can be happy by doing so.
Anyway, thank you for your reply!
Gaby 💜
Gaby I believe your right on target