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I often worn skirts but never a dress (there's a first time for everything). I have this new tight stretch dress which has a denim look to it. It is shoulder-strapless and has a very short hemline. It has a large belt at chest height and a belt on the hips. All in all it has a sort of 'kinky' corset look about it. It fits very tightly. I really like wearing it. It's a new style for me I did not know I liked. In combination with my long wig with bangs I look a bit like a twisted version of Xena Warrior Princess. Maybe I should buy a sword too. 😉
What was new and surprising for you that turned out to be a good experience?
Well...hmm. After being almost exclusively a redhead, on a whim I bought a blonde wig. I really didn't think it would look right. My natural hair is dark brown (rapidly approaching gray).
But when I tried on a new outfit, I figured I'd give the blonde a go. Turns out...it looks surprisingly good! I've decided it will be what I go with for the event the outfit is for! I may post a photo in my album once I clear space. lol
Glad your experiment worked out! 🙂
I ordered a strap type sundress. When I put it on , it was a mental game changer. I began thinking like Lorraine. At a loss to explain but I so glad I bought it.